Page 188 of The Dryad Storm

She grips my wrist and turns my hand palm up, then presses the rune stone to my forearm. A sting ignites that has me wincing before she draws it away, a small sapphire rune identical to the stone’s now glowing on my skin.

Ung Li releases my arm and scans my Dryad’khin. “We will need to confiscate your weapons.” She waves a hand toward a weapons rack beside the doorway. “You may reclaim them after your meeting. And your ravens and eagles must remainhere.”

Unease ripples through my allies’ magic. We exchange wary looks as my ravens let out low, protestingcaws, an angry light in the fiery eyes of Alder’s giant eagles. Ourgazes flit pointedly toward the Wyverns and Lupines amongst us, who have no need of weapons, as well as to Mavrik and Gwynn, who can summon runes to their hands using only their twinned magic. Unspoken agreement simmering between us, those with runic blades and wands and styluses release their weapons to the Vu Trin.

High Commander Quoi Zhon thrusts her hand toward Trystan. “We’ll need to confiscate your Vo’lon necklace before you enter,” she snaps, scowling.

Both Trystan’s and Vothe’s invisible lightning bursts into crackling disarray, blue and white forks of it flashing through my brother’s eyes.

“I’m a citizen of Noilaan and a convert to the Vo’lon faith,” Trystan calmly outlines, his tone belying none of the fitful rise of his power.

Quoi Zhon’s face twists with offense. “Your citizenship has beenrevoked. All Westerners have had their citizenship rescinded by our new ruling Conclave. As well as their acceptance into our Vo’lon faith.”

“What?”Bleddyn blurts out, her emerald eyes tight with outrage.

“Have you forgotten that myhusbandwas a Westerner?” Soleiya snarls, Yvan’s fire running as hot as his mother’s.

I notice that Ung Li’s expression is one of intense disapproval as she glares at Quoi Zhon, Ung Li’s dislike of her new high commander seeming to vibrate on the air.

“Pay no heed to this, Trystan,” Ra’Ven cuts in, his livid gaze fixed on Quoi Zhon. “I grant you, and anyone else so cast out of Noilaan, full citizenship in the Sublands.”

“The Sublands are no longer yours to command,” Quoi Zhon shoots back. “They are part of Vo’s Sacred Land and runically walled off until your people accept our sovereign power over Noilaan’s Subland Territory.”

Ra’Ven’s aura of verdant power gains an incendiary brightness. “So, you’ve imprisoned my people?” he challenges Quoi Zhon. “Like the Alfsigr did in the Sublands of Alfsigroth?”

Sage levels a damning finger at Quoi Zhon. “You’ve trapped ourchildrenand my youngersistersthere, amongstthousands!”

“And Effrey!” Thierren exclaims, condemnation firing in his eyes. “A child I swore to keep safe!”

“This is unforgivable!” Vothe’s great-aunt Sithendrile hisses.

“You’re turning into the West,” Yvan snarls, the flow of his fire and mine echoing Sithendrile’s outrage.

“What of our pack?” Rafe levels at the high commander, his tone low and dangerous, an intimidating energy flowing off both my eldest brother and Diana beside him.

“The Gerwulf pack is currently in the Vo Forest north of Voloi with the Amaz and the Kelts,” Quoi Zhon snaps, “engaged in a military standoff with our forces. Which wewillwin.”

Angered murmurs rise as Rivyr’el spits out an Alfsigr curse.

“You do not want a war with my people,” Freya Zyrr cautions Quoi Zhon, her gaze lethally narrowed. “We will tear you apart and deplete both sides’ magic in the battle, allowing Vogel tosweep right in.”

Quoi Zhon glares back at her, unmoved. “We have given the Lupines, Amaz, and Kelts a day to agree to our plan for their repatriation back to the Western Realm before weforcethem from Vo’s sovereign land.”

A low growl works its way from Diana’s throat and is quickly taken up by Naga and the rest of my horde, claws forming on Rafe and Diana’s fingers.

Several surrounding Vu Trin draw swords, while Quoi Zhon unflinchingly stands her ground. “These are Conclave matters,” she bites out. “You’d best take it up with them.”

“What of the Fae Wyvernguard units?” Vang Troi demands. “What of all those Westerners who risked their lives during the Magedom’s attack on Voloi?”

Quoi Zhon rounds on her. “Noilaan is for theNoi, as is the Wyvernguard.” She casts a violent look at me, as if she’d strike me down right then and there if Noilaan’s Vo Conclave granted her leave to, before she reaches toward Trystan once more. “Hand over the necklace,Gardnerian.”

Trystan yanks off his Vo’lon necklace and thrusts it toward her, his invisible lightning crackling with angry power as she swipes it from him.

“Vo doesn’t reside in that necklace,” Trystan calmly levels. “Or your flags.” He turns to Ung Li, his expression shifting to one of raw worry. “Where is Priest Wyn Juun? Did he survive the Magedom’s attack on Voloi?”

“He did,” Ung Li states, a flash of conflict in her eyes as she gestures west. “He’s on the other side of the border wall.”

Trystan’s eyes widen. “Has the Conclavedeportedhim?”