Page 121 of The Dryad Storm

“We need to follow their example andstop fighting,” Rafe calls out to Vang Troi.

Thierren levels a finger at the still half-conscious Dryads being tended to by Bleddyn, Aislinn, Jarod, and others. “We need to join with them and their Forest.Allof us. So we can combine power and get hold of the Verdyllion, then rescue Sparrow and the others andfight back.”

“He speaks the truth,” Alder affirms, the small purple eagle still perched on her shoulder. “As more of us link to the Forest and become Dryad’khin, its power and the power of the Verdyllion Wand-Stylusgrows.” She studies me. “And Elloren, I can sense with my power empathy that you not only have a strong lightline, you’re potentially the Wand-Stylus’s strongest amplifier.”

“I’ve had enough of theselies!” Yvan’s mother hisses from beyond our defensive shield-wall, startling me, the vicious look she’s giving me like a blow to the gut. She levels a damning look at Alder, pointing at me. “You’d cast this spawn of thatmonster witch, the same witch who killed myhusband, as some type ofsavior?”

“Her name isElloren,” Yvan says, low and adamant, a portion of his internal fire whipping up with angry heat, the rest blazing ardently around me as Raz’zor erupts into a low growl.

“Elloren is not a savior,” Alder calmly counters. “She’s potentially acatalyst. For amplifying the combined, Forest-linked light power of the Verdyllion’s Bearers.”

Yvan and I share a quick, intense look, the urgency of the situation blazing through our commingled fire.

“The witch needs todie,” Iris insists from beside Soleiya, her invisible flaming aura whipping out to encircle Yvan.

Diana takes a menacing step toward Iris. “Lay one hand on my sister, Lasair,” she growls, “and I’ll claw your fire straight out of you.”

Rafe places a cautionary hand on Diana’s shoulder, his stance pure dominance as he faces both Soleiya and Iris down. “We arenotyour enemies.”

“Cast the witch aside!” Iris snarls at Yvan, ignoring Rafe. “You’re not even truly mated to her!”

I flinch, her words like the lash of a whip as Yvan sends another reassuring lash of heat around me. “Mav’ya,” he says to Soleiya in Lasair. “We need toalign.” His violet-fire gaze swings to Vang Troi. “Nor’hoi’yhir Vang Troi,” he formally addresses her in Noi. “All we ask is that youhear the Forest out.”

It’s at that moment that Sylvan, Oaklyyn, and Yulan begin to regain consciousness, Sylvan forcing himself into a sitting position, soon followed by Oaklyyn and Yulan.

Sylvan glances down at the branching purple patterns on his skin and stills, his elemental power rising in the air around him in a gathering storm that has me drawing back.

“Sylvan...” I caution, and he slowly looks up, his pine gaze fixing on Hazel.

A vicious growl erupts from Sylvan, and his aura of power explodes as he springs up and rushes at Hazel, fists balled, shock jolting through me.

Yvan, Wrenfir, and Thierren leap toward Sylvan as he slams his fist into Hazel’s face.

Hazel falls back, insectile legs bursting from his body once more, his teeth elongating as he snarls, jaw snapping, eyes enlarging and morphing back to full black as Yvan, Thierren, and Wrenfir wrestle Sylvan to the ground.

“Traitor!”Sylvan cries at Hazel, struggling to free himself. “You took us from ourForest!”

“You would havedied!” Hazel lashes back, ferocious pain slashing through his Dark aura.

“Where are Lyptus and Larch?” Sylvan growls, eyes wild as he glances searchingly around. “Where are our kindreds?”

“Lost to us,” Hazel grits out, the whole world strobing dark.

“I willkill you!” Oaklyyn rages as she springs up and hurls herself at Hazel, knocking him back down only to be flipped onto her back and imprisoned in a cage of Hazel’s legs.

“Do notprovokeme!” Hazel seethes, his jaws enlarging and snapping. “Or you will feel thefull wrathof my Darkness.”

“Stop!”Vang Troi bellows, slamming her curved runic sword’s tip onto the ledge’s stone.

A great flash of sapphire energy ignites, my empathic sense of her power streaking through my lines, my very bones, the hairs on my scalp raising. All of us freeze, even the battling Dryads seeming stunned into silence by Vang Troi’s powerful display of Noi sorcery.

Hazel withdraws, insect fast, and Oaklyyn lurches to her feet, tears streaking her cheeks as she levels a devastated glare at him, her mouth trembling and her elemental aura shot through with violent rage and grief.

“I will hear you out,” Vang Troi levels at us all.

Her words are like a runic explosive, impassioned protest immediately rising amongst her surviving Vu Trin forces and Amaz and Lasair allies.

“This is what my husband’s sacrifice has wrought?” Soleiya rages at Vang Troi, angry tears glinting in her fiery eyes. “Hearing outthe granddaughter of the Black Witch whomurderedhim?”