His shoulders tense as he glances once more toward Elloren, as if he’s fortifying himself against the ramifications of it all.
“If Vogel can truly strike down runes,” he finally says, “we’re going to need her power. And yours. And mine. And the Icaral she claims is not dead. We’re going to needeveryone.Former enemies and allies alike. The divisions can’t stand if we’re going to save the Realm.”
My fire sparks to an impassioned blaze as I step toward him. “I’ll fight to the death for this realm.”
Vothe’s gaze on me intensifies, gleaming with obvious emotion as lightning streaks through it. “I know that, toiya.” His onyx lips lift. “Which is part of why I want you. So, if the Vu Trin don’t cut us down for harboring your sister, will you be my Xishlon’vir?”
I bark out an astonished laugh, my eyes widening with incredulity as affection for him sweeps through me. “Are you honestly thinking about...courting? At a time like this?”
He turns serious. “I never stop thinking about it, toiya’lon.”
Overcome, I reach up to caress the hard plane of his cheek. Vothe’s breath catches as I trace the edge of his full lower lip with my thumb, delicate threads of lightning flashing to life on his mouth, every nerve inside me suddenly alight.
Vothe opens his mouth and lightly closes his teeth around my thumb’s tip, eyes searing into mine.
I know what this moment means as I lightly bite down on Trystan’s finger, wanting to set my teeth on the piercing through his lower lip instead. And then kiss him until we engulf the entirety of Noilaan in our storm. Because I know, in this moment, that I’ve just stepped off the edge of the only world I’ve ever known to forever dwell in a new one.
Trystan shivers as I caress the tip of his thumb with my tongue then release it, holding his gaze as my power eddies toward him, the strength of its surge acknowledging the enormity of the leap of alliance we’ve just taken.
“I need your help,” Trystan says as his power rushes out to commingle with mine.
“What do you need?” I ask, lightning singeing over my lips with a delicious, frenetic sting. Trystan’s gaze flicks to my mouth with obvious desire, but I can feel him driving back that desire as resolve burgeons through his Magelines.
“Tomorrow night,” he says, his green eyes locked on to mine, “we’re bringing Elloren’s allies together. So we can free her power and approach the Vu Trin to forge an alliance.”
“You mean ‘force’ an alliance,” I archly correct.
“No,” Trystan counters. “I mean ‘forge.’ But wewillfight back if they try to kill her.”
“Fair enough,” I concede. “But take great care, Trystan. The Vu Trin are watching everyone who might be sympathetic to her.”
“Well, they’re about to be distracted by a purple moon festival,” he returns, a hard glint to his gaze. “And a rather odd weather disturbance. I need a weather Wyvern for that.”
I cross my arms, eyeing him shrewdly as I struggle to hold the surge in my power back from him. “What did you have in mind?”
Trystan doesn’t hesitate. “Something that will make it quite difficult to follow anyone.”
“You want me to hide her with fog?” I postulate.
“I do,” Trystan rejoins, a lethal edge entering his tone. “So she can get hold of her power, then go west with all of us. To strike down the Magedom before it can decimate Amazakaraan and advance on the East.”
In answer I send out a slim line of fog and roll it around his form. Trystan shivers, his magic shimmering loose to encircle mine in rock-solid alliance.
Valasca Xanthrir
City of Cyme, Amazakaraan
Two days prior to Xishlon
Valasca Xanthrir falls through the portal’s golden mist and is thrust into a world at war.
A nightmare forest surrounds her, its gigantic, undulating trees made of Shadow. Ground-shuddering explosions sound and she flinches, dragons shrieking through a distance that’s obscured by the strange, curling gray mist rising from the ground.