Page 87 of The Demon Tide

“We’ll need a series of resonance runes to free her,” Or’myr postulates.

I turn to my cousin. “What’s that?”

Or’myr’s gaze sharpens on me. “Runes that mirror every element involved in another magical system’s spell.”

“Almost like a translation,” Fain adds, rocking back on his heels, “from Forest Elemental Magic into Realmic Rune Magic.”

“First,” Or’myr explains, “we’ll need to assemble the resonance runes that match each portion of the Forest’s binding. Then we’ll have to create another series of runes to counter and strike down each one of those spell-segments.”

A raw anticipation tightens my gut. “So, you think you can break the Forest’s hold?”

Fain tilts his head as if cautiously equivocating. “The Forest seems...intentin this. It’s likely to fight back against our intrusion. But yes, I think we’ve got a shot at it.”

“You’re working with some of Noilaan’s most advanced magical researchers, Elloren.” Or’myr gives me a savvy smile. “I imagine we’re up to the task.”

Fain squints at Or’myr. “Once Sagellyn links the resonance runes, how long do you think it will take to throw the Forest off of her?” He absently gives my shoulder a light, comforting squeeze as he rises and takes a seat at the table beside me.

Or’myr gives a noncommittal shrug. “One day, perhaps? Maybe two?”

Fain sends me a sly, almost feline smile. “Sagellyn is particularly adept at resonance magic. And after she sets down spells to unbind your magic, we’ll connect our own tracking spell to your fastlines and locate your fastmate.”

My pulse quickens. “How long will it take to track him?” I press.

“Not long,” Or’myr answers. “A few hours, considering the distance. But given what you’re up against, you’ll need to travel west with an army. Not alone.”

I rake my fingers through my knotted gray hair, feeling claustrophobic. “I’m terrified for Lukas. Waiting to’s torture.”

“Elloren,” Or’myr says gently. “No grievous harm is likely to come to him while Vogel is using him to locate you. If Vogel does harm him, he’ll weaken the tracking link.”

“I got a clear image of Lukas through the wraith bat’s rune.” I’m unable to keep the worried outrage from my tone. “His was covered with lash marks...”

“Wewillfind him as quickly as we can,” Fain assures me, taking my hand in his. “But we need a day or so to gather everyone in a way that won’t attract the attention of the Vu Trin.”

“We’ll likely need Rivyr’el Talonir,” Lucretia puts in.

The Alfsigr name surprises me—the same surname as the Elfin monarch, Iolrath Talonir. “Who’s that?” I ask.

“A renegade Elf,” Wrenfir explains. “Son of Alfsigr royalty. He joined the Resistance out West and pledged fealty to a Smaragdalfar freedom fighter, much to the horror of his illustrious family. Then he fled east with her and a group of subland refugees they rescued, most of them children. Once here, he joined the Vu Trin. He’s given the Alfsigr monarchy no end of headaches.”

“Yes, well, Rivyr’el gives me no end of headaches, as well,” Or’myr rejoins with a long-suffering sigh. “But he’s quite skilled when it comes to tracking spells and elemental siphoning.” His gaze narrows on Wrenfir. “We’ll need to gather some supplies from the Wyvernguard.”

“Smuggle them, you mean,” my uncle shoots back with a knowing smirk.

Or’myr grins. “‘Gather’ sounds so much nicer.”

Wrenfir spits out a dismissive laugh, then looks to Fain, growing serious. “You can’t keep her here for long.” His kohl-rimmed gaze flicks to me. “Not with the Vu Trin keeping an eye on anyone connected to her. And the Issani and Ishkart are likely to have sent out more than a few assassins to hunt down the Black Witch.”

“You should hide her in your Vonor,” Fain suggests to Or’myr. “It’s warded and impossible to locate.”

Or’myr arches a brow at him. “Which would be ideal, except for the glaring detail that she’s not intrinsically purple. So, essentially, we’d be flying her directly into a stone wall.”

“She has some light magery,” Fain counters, his expression turning sly.

Or’myr’s brows notch upward. He turns to me, gaze sharpening as if formulating a plot.

“You have a Vonor?” I ask Or’myr, surprised that my cousin is powerful enough to have his own secret sorcerer enclave, like Chi Nam did.

Or’myr nods. “I do. And once we have Sagellyn draw out the purple in your lightlines, we’ll be able to hide you there.”