“I’m fine,” Trystan says a trace raggedly as the shifter continues to ignore me.
“Were you planning on finding me sometime this eve?” Vothe bites out.
“Eventually,” Trystan hedges.
Vothe steps toward Trystan, lightning spitting through his power. “How am I supposed to guard you if you purposefullyelude me?”
Trystan’s voice is cool when it comes. “Is that what you’re doing, Vothe? Guarding me? It’s a bit of a ruse at this point, wouldn’t you say?” Power crackles even more intensely in the air between them, and for a moment, Vothe doesn’t answer.
“I thought...” Vothe breaks off as visible threads of his lightning arc around my brother. An expression of impassioned worry overtakes his expression, his voice rough when it comes. “When the second swarm of kraken came in...and I couldn’t find you... I thought somethinghappenedto you.”
Oh, Sweet Ancient One, I realize in one dizzying sweep.Are they in love?
My brother’s power shifts, still lashing around Vothe, but its edges are forcefully straining away from me. As if willing Vothe to remain unaware of my presence.
My breath tightens in my throat.
“I’m a Level Five Mage, Vothe,” Trystan remarks sharply. “I can handle a few kraken.”
Now they’re throwing invisible lightning toward each other so hard that white sparks through my vision while another aura of distinctive flame suddenly overtakes my lines—
Golden fire and then a streak of vermilion fire, blazing like a torch.
I gasp, Vothe’s and Trystan’s lightning in my sight blasted back by all the Wyvernfire streaming in, purple sparks crackling through it. My eyes widen with recognition. I know that vermilion fire as well as I know the golden blaze, even though the purple sparks are new to it.
It’sRaz’zor’s, the small dragon who pledged fealty to me.
The dual heat burns through me, blazing in from both northeast and due north in a volcanic chaos of Wyvernfire.
Holy gods, are both Yvan and Raz’zor searching for me?
Vothe’s nostrils flare and his gaze swings toward me.
My heart jumps into my throat as a flash of Vothe’s lightning strikes through my tangled lines, blazing through the Wyvernfire in a hot, relentless current. Trystan’s power breaks free of his control to whip around me in a protective frenzy.
Wyvernfire and lightning sparking in my vision, I rise from the shadows, blade in hand.
Vothe’s head tilts, his face taking on a look of confusion. “You look just like Or’myr...”
Trystan’s magic gives a wildly combustive flare and Vothe’s head whips toward him before his gaze swings back to me with intensifying focus. A look of shock comes over his features as the lightning forking all over his skin flashes bright.
“Blessed Vo,” he murmurs, “this is your sister.”
I take a step back as Vothe’s power turns cyclonic. It crashes through me, his wings fanning powerfully out. He bares his teeth and advances.
Trystan throws himself between us and draws his wand at the same time I raise my blade, sweat breaking out all over my body.
“Vothe,” Trystan pleads, even as his power doubles down, consolidating inside his wand. “Please.If you’ve ever believed me about anything...”
Vothe hisses out what sounds like a series of vehement curses in a sibilant language that my koi’lon translation rune can’t decipher, his electrified eyes fixed on me.
I hold his ignited stare, ferocity suddenly rising within me to match the shifter’s own. “Do you fight for the Eastern Realm?” I challenge him, fire burning through my lines.
Vothe’s head flinches back. He narrows his incendiary gaze at me. “Yes, witch,” he hisses. “And for the Zhilon’ile Wyvernkin and our domain.”
I step decidedly down off the skiff, the force of all the elemental and Wyvern power whipping around and through me like an inferno about to overtake Noilaan.
“Ren,” Trystan cautions as I shoulder past my brother and pull out of his attempt to grip my arm. I stride up to Vothe, who fans his wings farther out in a menacing display.