Page 65 of The Demon Tide

Lightning slashes across the inky sky outside, momentarily brightening the sapphire hues of the lantern-lit room. Thunder rumbles to the west.

“That can’t be,” I protest, desperate to strike down their horrifying misconception. Knowing what it could mean for my sister. “Elloren has no power. She’s a Level One Mage—”

“She’s not.” Commander Ung Li’s gaze is pierced with iron-hard import. “She’s been wandtested by our forces.”

Confusion rips through me. “I don’t understand.”

“Your sister was never truly wandtested. Until our forces tested her. She’s more powerful than your grandmother ever was.”

The certainty in Ung Li’s words ignites a jolt of lightning through my internal magic. “Where is she?” I ask as the ramifications of this for Elloren shear through my mind. They’ve been telling me for weeks that she’s en route here. Under Vu Trin protection.

There’s a beat of hesitation as Ung Li’s brow creases, triggering another frisson of alarm.

Because Ung Li rarely hesitates with anything.

“She’s likely dead,” Ung Li states, devastatingly firm.

My magic comes untethered as pain clenches my center. I double over, my hands clutching my abdomen as it tightens against the blow of her words.

“Your sister was caught in the cross fire when our Western forces attacked the Mage Council.”

I lift my unfocused gaze to hers, desperate for the unsure edge to her statement to be true. “But you don’t know for a fact that she’s dead?”

Ung Li’s dark eyes narrow. “There’s a slim chance that she’s still alive.” Her mouth tightens. “You will see postings going up throughout the Wyvernguard and the city with your sister’s likeness on them.”

“Postings?” I rasp.

“If your sister has survived,” Ung Li says, her tone and expression seeming to downplay the possibility, “and if she makes her way to the Eastern Realm, then she’s to be brought to the Vu Trin immediately.” There’s a pause, a split second too long. “For her protection.” Her lips lift in a slight, comforting smile that seems forced while her dark eyes remain hard as stone.

My water magic freezes as a darker nightmare descends.

They’re not searching for Elloren.

They’re hunting her.

Ung Li is studying me, her gaze raptor-sharp. “If your sister has survived and she comes to Noi lands,” she says, her tone measured and neutral, “it is likely that she will seek out you or your brother, Rafe. If this happens, you must bring her to us without delay. Do you understand, Mage Gardner?”

Hope and fury ignite as a whoosh of my invisible water aura breaks over the room.

Elloren is alive. And you’re lying to me.

I tighten my lines and wrench all my magic inward, forcing it deep into my center. Then I give Ung Li a stiff, formal salute and strike my fist firmly to my chest. “Yes, Commander,” I affirm, ready to lie, as well. Ready to do whatever it takes to find Elloren and hide her from the Vu Trin. “If my sister has survived and she seeks me out, I’ll bring her straight to you.”



He rounds on me in the cobweb-strewn hallway outside his room, his eyes fierce.

“Xishlon’vir or guard,” he demands. “Choose, Vothe. You can’t be with me and against my sister.”

Shock and anger light. And intense remorse. Over how Ung Li’s news rocked me so hard my emotions briefly shut down. Because this changeseverything.

“Trystan,” I say, “she’s theBlack Witch.”

Trystan’s green eyes blaze. “They’rewrongabout her.”

“She’s potentially a realm-destroying weapon. An Eastern Realm–leveling weapon.” We don’t need to delve into the subtext of his meeting with Ung Li. We’re both clear that the Vu Trin aren’t searching for Elloren Gardner to protect her.