Page 62 of The Demon Tide

As if sensing her attention, they both turn.

A dazzling, wild smile lights Diana’s face. She growls out a joyful sound and breaks into a run toward Aislinn, blond hair flying as a startlingly amber-eyed Rafe grins and strides toward her, as well.

Diana catches Aislinn in a hug that’s so enthusiastic she’s lifted clear into the air and breathlessly swung in a circle before being set back down. Aislinn forces a smile, her lips trembling even as she searches for Jarod. The other Lupines set down tools, some morphing clawed hands to human ones, as everyone moves in to welcome her.

But then everything fades into the background as one young blond Lupine male appears at the far side of the clearing, and Aislinn stops breathing. His stride slows as obvious recognition hits, then he breaks into a run.

Aislinn’s heart seizes. She’s barely aware of Rafe’s joyful greeting and Diana moving everyone away to give them space. Love for Jarod rushes through her in an excruciating tide as he runs toward her and the memories flood in—reading poetry with him in the university archives, late into the night, his beautiful amber eyes intent on her, always set on her, making her feel like some bright star instead of the plain thing she is; his love for the same books, the same art; his gentleness; his quiet ways and deep insight.

His kiss.

That night they kissed for the first time, Aislinn was enveloped in a bliss she never knew was possible. He seemed to know, with his Lupine senses, exactly how she wanted to be touched, how far she wanted to go, always stopping when she needed to, even though she could sense his powerful desire. With Jarod, it was always so full of love.

And she realizes, as he closes the distance between them and her eyes blur with tears, the full extent of what’s been lost to her forever. She can see it in his ruddy health and powerful stride, in the feral light of his amber eyes...he’s been restored here, while she’s a ruined, defiled thing.

Aislinn’s anguish pulls her under, a heartbroken cry escaping her throat as Jarod sweeps her into his arms.

“Aislinn,” he breathes in an impassioned rasp as he kisses her temple, nuzzles her neck, and inhales her scent like it’s a lifeline, his breath shuddering through his chest. Aislinn’s legs buckle, a keening sob breaking free as she’s swamped, fully, by the devastating loss of him.

“Aislinn,” Jarod says again, alarm crossing his features as Aislinn crumples to her knees and he lowers himself to keep hold of her, his heartbreakingly beloved face wavy through her flood of agony.

“I love you so much,” Aislinn cries, weeping violently now, her chest heaving. “I’m sorry, Jarod. I’mso sorry.”

A vast confusion overtakes Jarod’s tear-streaked face. “Aislinn...why?”

“I should have left with you...when you first asked me to...” she chokes out, barely able to breathe. “They forced me...heforced me...”

“I know,” Jarod says, pain and outrage streaking across his face. “I heard what happened, just a few days back.”

“I was afool,” she weeps, devastated. “I loved you then and... I should have gone with you. I’m sorry... I’ve destroyed everything...”

“Aislinn, wait,” Jarod insists, eyes wild with emotion. “You haven’t destroyedanything.”

She holds up her shaking hands and shows him the horrible fastlines, like a spider’s web all over her hands. And wrists. A prison cage forever keeping her from him. Proof of her defilement.

“I’m ruined,” Aislinn admits, low and final.

A growl rises from Jarod’s throat as he tightens his hold on her. “You’renot... Aislinn...”

She shakes her head and curls into herself, trying to pull away from the entire world, from her beloved, whoislost to her. It hurts to feel his strong arms around her. To smell his comforting scent, her heart breaking as she shakes her head from side to side, leans down and brings her hands over her face.

“I’m sorry, Jarod,” she says again, hollowed out by grief and terrible shame.

“Aislinn.” Jarod gently strokes her hair, refusing to let go. “Look at me.Please.”

Aislinn swallows as the misery contracts her whole being. She looks up to find his beautiful amber eyes blazing down on her with a love so fierce Aislinn has the sensation of her whole world shifting on its axis.

“You’re not ruined,” Jarod insists, emphatic, his voice breaking with emotion. “Aislinn, Iloveyou. I want only you. I was getting ready to go west to find you... I was finally approved to use a Vu Trin portal.”

Confusion storms through Aislinn. “ mate for life and... I’musednow...and—” her face twists into a devastated grimace “—dirtiedand...impure...”

Shock overtakes Jarod’s expression. “That’s not true. That’s a twisted, cruel way of thinking aboutanyone. You’re notanyof those things. And Iloveyou.”

Her confusion intensifies, her worldview turning on its head—everything she was taught about her worth being so intimately tied to her perfect purity, her perfect submission to Mage ways. But here, under the bright illumination of Jarod’s unflinching love, that worldview shrivels along the edges, revealing itself to be a weak, depraved thing. Still, it reverberates, impressed on the fabric of her soul.

“But, Jarod... I’m...”

“Mating for life,” Jarod says, adamant, “means mating with the person you love with your whole heart. Forever.That’swhat it means.” His lips tighten with outrage. “This belief that people can be impure and dirty...that’s something the Mages believe, not us.” His expression turns imploring as he cups her face with his warm hands. “Listen to me... Iloveyou. You are the center of every poem I read. Every sunset I see. You are at the center ofeverythingthat’s beautiful and good in this world to me. I love you and want you.Onlyyou.Forever.”