Page 59 of The Demon Tide

It takes everything in me to close the door on Vothe. On the unmistakable want in his eyes. Want he’s clearly at war with himself over. Maybe even hates himself for.

It’s ironic and surreal, how, here in the East, there’s no shame in the fact that we’re both men. No. There’s shame in it here for an entirely different reason.

Because I’m Gardnerian.

I can sense Vothe through the door. Sense him as clearly as if I were a shifter myself.

He’ll never give in to his desire for you. You’ll never have him.

I stand there, cursing myself for yet again tormenting myself. Over and over. Wanting Gareth Keeler as more than a friend for years. Pining over Yvan Guriel.

And now, falling in love with the most desired young man in the Eastern Realm. A man who may be increasingly my ally, but who can never fully give in to wanting a Gardnerian.

Who will never let himself give in to wanting me.


I’m falling in love with Trystan Gardner.


I cannot be falling in love with Trystan Gardner.



Trystan Gardner & Vothendrile Xanthile

The Wyvernguard

North Wyvernguard Island, Noilaan

Eastern Realm

Sixth Month


“You can’t be with the grandson of the Black Witch.”

I look sidelong at my elder brother, Gethindrile, my hackles rising in response to the paternal censure in his tone. A breeze from the Vo River far below flows over us as we lean against the railing of the Wyvernguard’s highest walkway connecting the North and South Islands. His visit all the way from Zhilaan was unexpected, but I’m clear on the reason for it.

“Keeping track of my every attraction now?” I chide, defiance sparking. “I caution against it. You’ll get little else done.”

“Vothe,” he says, concern in his dark eyes, “take care here.”

“What if I’m done taking care, Geth?” I ask, incensed at the intrusion. “Did you know Trystan’s converting to the Vo’lon faith? That he’s covered in bruises from letting the Vu Trin blast magic at him in every conceivable way so they’ll stand a chance against the Mages?”

“Our family will cast you out if you take him to mate,” Geth counters, ever the one to calmly debate. To take Mother and Father’s side. To take the Zhilon’ile Regency’s side. But not unkindly, and somehow, that makes it even more infuriating. “You know they’ll cast you out,” he reasons. “Just as they cast out our uncle for going off with Fain Quillen. Vothe, Trystan Gardner is aMage.”

“Trystan saved a number of refugees, Geth,” I snarl, hating the conflict that my brother is whipping up in me. A brother who has been kind to me my whole life. A brother who is trying to be kind to me now. But a brother whotrulydoes not understand. “He saved a Kelt baby from drowning in the Zonor.”

And now I’m drowning, I yearn to rage at him.I’m drowning in wanting to be with Trystan Gardner.

“That’s another thing we need to speak of,” Geth says, holding my gaze. I can imagine the fraught conversation that he had with our parents about me, their newly wayward son. “The Noi Conclave is in talks with ours,” he says. “Vang Troi might be allowing these rescue missions for the moment, but the government is about to tighten the border.” Warning darkens my brother’s lightning gaze. “Vothe, no more volunteering with Minyl.”
