Page 169 of The Demon Tide

Thierren exhales a shocked sound. She knew this would catch him by surprise, this new Xishlon-Sparrow. Emboldened by the moon’s draw that shifts one’s focus to matters of the heart. And the difficult, unavoidable fact that Thierren deploys tomorrow.

Thierren looks Sparrow over more boldly, his gaze going a bit liquid. “It’s hard to...think around how beautiful you are...” He gives her a significant look.

“Go, you two,” Mii Vun says, breaking into their sudden thrall, a knowing smile on the seamstress’s lips. “Effrey is going to spend the evening with me.”

“I am?” Effrey’s head whips toward Mii Vun, his eyes widening with possibility.

Sparrow smiles. Mii Vun is a delight with children, patient and full of good humor. And she’s extraordinarily well connected, which holds the promise of a Xishlon evening full of beautiful sights and every kind of child’s purple delight.

“Unless you’re not interested in seeing the Xishlon lizard exhibition,” Mii Vun teases Effrey. “Or in picking a violet-checkered salamander for your very own. And eating steamed crab buns in the gardens. Oh, and there might be a string of rune orbs involved in all of this as well as a trip to the port side gem markets.” She winks at Sparrow and Thierren.

The breath catches in Sparrow’s throat as it dawns on her what Mii Vun is doing and Thierren looks just as surprised.

Alone. With Thierren. All evening.

“Go in the back room and see what you find,” Mii Vun prods Effrey. “There might be a piece of purple moon agate for you there.” Effrey’s violet eyes light up like a beacon and he sets off at a sprint into the shoppe’s recesses.

Mii Vun leans toward Sparrow after Effrey is out of earshot. “I had a bottle of fine Xishlon wine sent to your apartment.” She winks again at them both. “Go. Seize the moon. This night is for young lovers.” She peers up at the lavender Xishlon moon, seeming wistful. “I remember my first Xishlon with my love. Feng Loi. She beautiful. It was the night I told her I wanted to spend my life with her. To take her as my toiyanon.” Her dark eyes glitter with feeling. “And she said yes.”

Sparrow is moved by this rare showing of Mii Vun’s private heart. “Is she the soldier in the painting?” Sparrow asks tentatively, remembering the portrait Mii Vun keeps by her favorite sewing machine.

Mii Vun’s wistful smile disappears, replaced by an uncomfortable, pained look as she glances at Thierren. She blinks, as if clearing away tears before they can form, before meeting Sparrow’s gaze. “She was a Vu Trin soldier. She died in the Realm War.”

Killed by the Gardnerians.

The information cuts deep.

Thierren’s face has constricted, his angular jaw gone rigid. He looks away, his brow tensing with obvious remorse.

Mii Vun approaches him. “Thierren,” she says gently.

“I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, seeming unable to meet her eyes. “I’m sorry that happened to her.”

“It’s not your fault,” Mii Vun adamantly states. “And you’ll find your place here. Youwill.” Thierren’s mouth flexes as he finally looks at her, his gaze tortured.

Mii Vun reaches up to remove the Vo dragon goddess pendant around her neck, small white bird pendants surrounding that central Vo charm. “Bend down,” she coaxes him, holding up the necklace.

Thierren pulls in a shaky breath and relents, and Mii Vun slips the necklace over his head. “I want you here,” she says as he straightens, placing her hand on his shoulder. “And there are others who do too. I’m grateful for what you’re doing.”

Thierren gives a tight nod. “Thank you, Hoiyon Nor.”

She smiles, as if pleased by his use of the respectful title. “This is not a night for grim thoughts,” she insists. “Tomorrow you deploy west, but tonight you bask in Vo’s love. Go, Zish hoi’enin’lianon.”Go, find your moon.

Mii Vun pulls Thierren into an emotional embrace, then hugs Sparrow warmly.

“Thank you for everything,” Sparrow says as she wipes away a stray tear.

Mii Vun waves off the thanks, tears in her own eyes as she walks toward the shoppe’s back rooms. “I love you two,” she calls over her shoulder as she opens the back door, her voice thick with emotion as she gives them a sly, prodding smile. “Go. And drink that wine.”

Sparrow boldly offers Thierren her hand, ignoring the subtle and not-so-subtle looks of censure from passersby. Thierren’s fingers thread through hers, a stunned look on his face as he takes in their clasped hands. They’ve always shied away from initiating physical closeness, save falling asleep near each other that one time in the desert.

“Sparrow...” he starts. “What does this mean?”

“It means,” Sparrow purrs, tracing his finger with her thumb, thrilled to be giving in to her desire to touch him, “that I want to ask you...” Nerves alight once more, as vulnerability cracks open. “To be my Xishlon’vir.”

Thierren’s green eyes widen. He exhales and goes very still. “I would be honored,” he finally says in Uriskal, “to be your Xishlon’vir, Sparrow Trillium.” Her name slides off his tongue, infused with longing.

“But before we go anywhere else,” Sparrow says, flushing at the idea of going back to her apartment, “I’m taking you to the Vuulish Tavern.” She has it all planned—the famed, floral-themed cocktail bar that overlooks the Vo River the perfect place to share a Xishlon kiss.