Yvan’s fire intensifies, lashing through me and around Raz’zor’s streaming fire. All the combined Wyvernfire sparks saffron and purple in my vision, and I can feel Yvan gauging Raz’zor’s strength in it.
Raz’zor raises his head, sniffs the air, and narrows his slitted, red-burning eye at Yvan.
Dragonkin, he thinks to me, his eye pinned on Yvan.Your bonded mate. He is powerful.His crimson eye pivots to me, and I can feel the shiver of discord in his power. He wants you, Witchling. Yet you are bound to another.
Yvan hisses something at Raz’zor in a deeply sibilant language, and Raz’zor snarls something back. I stare at them both in amazement as they hiss out phrases, back and forth, their fires swirling around each other with the energy of sudden, fierce alliance as I realize that Yvan can speak not only Lasair but alsoDragon.
“What are you saying?” I ask Yvan.
His golden eyes slide to mine. “I thanked him for saving your life, Elloren.”
My chest tightens in response to the impassioned look he’s giving me, time winding back to when Yvan first kissed me, joining us as Wyvern mates. A kiss seared into me. I remember it like it was a moment ago. The feel of his lips. That first, intimate touch of his fire...
“Do you have any other dragons under your dominion?” Kam Vin asks, breaking through my momentary thrall.
“My dominion?” I look to her, both flustered and surprised. “Like an army?”
I can feel Raz’zor’s smile.Yes, Black Witch. Like an army.
I search my red-fire bond to Raz’zor, no other dragon’s fire horded to ours.Have you found Naga?I press.
Raz’zor’s ruddy fire flares with tight, bristling sparks.Not as of yet, he thinks, rebellion firing.But Naga the Unbroken will return in glory to cast her fiery justice over all of Erthia.
“Raz’zor and I are a horde of two,” I answer Kam Vin as we speed north, so much gold and purple-sparking red fire blazing through me it’s hard to think. Hard to hold any thought around Yvan’s mounting thrall, his fire clearly the more explosively powerful of the two.
And Raz’zor’s is powerful.
“This dragon cannot continue on with us,” Kam Vin insists. “By lingering he’ll eventually draw the Vu Trin straight to you.”
Raz’zor’s power surges resentfully and he shoots Kam Vin a ruddy glare.
“Reunite with each other after Elloren is in control of her power,” Jules suggests to both Raz’zor and me with his usual calm diplomacy.
A surprisingly strong reluctance to be separated from my horde surges to life, my tangled fire giving a chaotic flare, but I press it down, mindful of the validity of Kam Vin’s concern.
She’s right, I think to Raz’zor. Lead the Vu Trin away from me. I’ll summon you when I’ve come into my power. And we’ll fight Vogel together.
Images of Gardnerian soldiers being incinerated by bolts of red Wyvernfire are suddenly flashing through my mind.
Call my name and I will come,Raz’zor snarls into my thoughts with the force of a vow.Friend to Naga the Unbroken.
Soon, Raz’zor, I assure him.Soon.
Death to Vogel, he sends out to me as he veers away from our skiff.
Death to Vogel, I return, just as emphatic.
Raz’zor sends out one final hard lash of purple-streaked vermilion fire straight through my lines, and then he’s soaring away from us in a sweeping arc, speeding south in the direction of the Wyvernguard.
We’re all quiet as we watch him wing away, Yvan’s protective fire flickering through my lines, his gaze fixed on Raz’zor as he disappears into the fog. Yvan steps back and flexes his shoulders, draws in his wings, and retracts his horns and claws, restoring his glamour, save for his golden gaze. He flashes me a luminous look as he pulls his cloak over his muscular form. His body flexes, snagging my focus, a different type of heat sparking through our bond that I’m devastatingly unable to tamp down.
Yvan’s eyes flick back to mine, a glint of recognition in them. I look away, my face heating as a rush of his fire shivers through me, conflict rearing its impossible head.
He sits back down beside me, shoulder to shoulder, and I can sense him struggling to regain hold of his fire just as intently as I am. But it’s no use. Our undimmed bond is too strong to resist.
“You’ve become...more of a dragon,” I stiltedly note, hesitant to meet his eyes as our history together courses through me in a heart-stricken tide.
A larger flare of Yvan’s fire encircles me and I suppress the urge to lean into him. “I have,” he stiffly agrees.