Page 101 of The Demon Tide

Wynter’s trembling kicks up into a tight shiver as she takes in Valasca’s dazed state, her head moving slightly as she groans from the blow.

“Shall I kill her, my sister?” Damion Bane asks, motioning to Valasca’s prone form.

“No,” Fallon firmly replies. “She’s a powerful rune sorceress. Vogel will want her.”

A chill knifes through Wynter as Fallon’s attention settles back on her.

“My patience is wearing thin, Icaral,” Fallon croons. “Surrender yourself alongside the queen, and I’ll let these whores go East.” Her merciless smile inches wider. “They can see if they like what they find there.”

Wynter freezes.

What, exactly, is waiting for the Amaz in Noi lands?

And where is Vogel?

The horrific answer rings out in her empath mind.


Wynter looks to Queen Alkaia, who nods to her in grim, mutual reckoning as renewed cries of protest go up, even Alder’s forest-calm voice pleading, “No, my queen,no...”

Terrified, Wynter wraps her wings even more tightly around herself, legs shaking, and advances with the queen.

Amaz soldiers rush out from the shield’s protection and release the netted Amaz, drawing them toward the shield’s safety, while Wynter and Queen Alkaia walk through the band of Amaz soldiers, through the protective shield, and surrender themselves to true evil festooned with white birds.



Elloren Grey


Eastern Realm

Two days prior to Xishlon

From the bedroom’s darkness, I watch Trystan and Vothe’s military skiff soar away. Only a few sapphire-lit rune ships dot the river and sky, the night tranquil and moonlit. The Wand of Myth’s spiraling hilt tingles warm against my palm.

My gaze lifts to the dome hanging over Noilaan. Sapphire runes sparsely mark the dome’s translucent surface, their slowly rotating forms like benevolent presences in the sky.

Like the scarlet dome runes of Amazakaraan.

Concern rises for the Amaz—all the women I met and allied with—Queen Alkaia, Alder, Freyja...even fierce Alcippe. And Wynter and little Pyrgo, the Icarals sheltered among them. Will my warning about the runes reach them in time?

The concern knotting my chest tightens. I can feel myself compressing into an ever-constricting space between the crushing weight of my exhaustion and my fervent desire to set off to find Lukasimmediately.His ardent green gaze fills my mind, setting off a burn in my blood. That warrior energy in his stance. His courage. Hisfire.

A choking knot of longing overtakes my throat and I struggle to pull in a breath.

Stop this, Elloren, I can almost hear Lukas snarl at me.Gather your strength.Then fight back with everything in you.

I force a breath. Then another as I focus on the Wand’s starlight tree, branching out deep inside me, the Wand’s steady energy humming against my hand.

I’m coming for you, Lukas, I mentally grit out toward the western sky.I swear it. If I have to fight the Vu Trin to get hold of a portal west, I’ll do it.

I turn and drag my leaden, bruised body toward the bed. I’m already bathed and fully dressed in a dark purple tunic and pants with a holiday lilac moon pattern edging the collar and hems to help me blend in. Ready to flee at a moment’s notice.

I slide my Wand into my right boot’s side, then slump down onto the bed, overcome by the dizzying sense of melting into its absurdly indulgent softness, the feel of a mattress so foreign after weeks of sleeping on bedrolls and moss. I don’t so much fall asleep as hurtle into the abyss of it, a faint sting prickling my hands before darkness draws me under.