I glance down at my hands and draw in a stunned breath. My fastlines are gone. And my skin’s formerly faint green hue is now a deeper, shimmering forest green.
I’m free.
Grief cuts through my airy elation as I take in my wrists, the Sealing lines stripped from my skin, as well. Yes, I’m desperately glad to be free of my Shadow fasting to Vogel, but the loss of my Sealing bond to Lukas sends a shearing pain through my chest, my heart constricting with a lancing grief. More tears well in my eyes as I imagine Lukas’s look of vast triumph if he could see me rising here, my rooted affinity lines untethered and whole. My whole self transformed because of his sacrifices, again and again. Because of his sacrifice for the entire East.
“I’m free,” I force out to Yvan in a ragged voice, then stop and gasp.
Their language.Tripping off my lips. Dry and leafy.
Yvan’s ruddy face and the Dryads’ green forms blur. It’s like coming home, being rooted to III. Rooted to the Forest. Rooted to the Dryad I always was.
The grief tightening my heart gains potency as the impossible wish rises for Lukas to be here with me, rooted to III, as well. Rooted to the Dryad he always was.
Vicious jabs a finger toward Yvan. “You’re under some type of thrall, just like the Forest!” she snarls in the Common Tongue, and I’m surprised by her use of my language. She sweeps her glare over the other Dryads. “She is theBlack Witchof the trees’ foretelling! Her people...they’redestroyingours!” She knifes her gaze at Pine. “Sylvan, we need to slay hernow!”
“I’m on your side,” I insist as the Great Tree’s acceptance flows out in an embracing wave. Vicious looks to III in astonishment, as if she, too, sensed it.
Sylvan points at the Great Tree’s black trunk, his gaze fixing on Vicious. “III has rooted her.” He pivots to me, eyes blazing. “Show her your palm.”
Confused, I slide the branch in my wand hand through my tunic’s belt and splay out my palm, my breath catching as I take in the image now fused to my forest green skin.
It’s an image of III. Identical to the image marked on all their palms.
Stunned, I look back at Sylvan.
“We will not kill you, Black Witch,” he says, his voice deepening with finality. “Like us, you are part of the Forest now. III has named you Guardian.
Northern Forest
I glance down at the image of III on my palm, my skin’s verdant shimmer gleaming in the bright dawn sunlight. Yvan draws nearer, his molten aura sweeping around us.
“I feel like I’m meeting you for the first time,” he says.
Tears mist my eyes as III’s strengthening power flows into me. “I feel like I’m meeting myself for the first time.” I pause, choked up to behere, alive, with him. Alive with the Forest. “I thought...” I manage as the tears slide down my cheeks. “I thought it was over for me.”
“No, not over,” Yvan says roughly as he pulls me into a close embrace and I embrace him in turn, breaking into sobs against the hot skin of his shoulder.
“Lukas is dead,” I rasp out, clutching Yvan as his wings arc inward to enfold us both.
“I know,” he says against my hair in a shattered voice. “I’m sorry, Elloren.”
And I can feel it in his fire’s discordant flare, that he was able to sense Lukas’s full sacrifice that moment on the river. That he knows that Lukas gave his life not just for me, but for the entire Realm. And for Yvan too.
I draw back, clutching his muscular arms. He’s so incrediblyalivebeneath my palms, his fire shivering around me with ardent force. “How did you find me?”
He pulls in a breath and lets it out, streaming a pulse of his fire aura toward me, the edge streaked with vermilion flame.
“Raz’zor,” I murmur in a flash of understanding.
“He and Or’myr were freed when we blasted back Vogel’s magic,” Yvan tells me. “Raz’zor horded himself to me, giving me access to his tracking bond to you. He stayed behind to fight the Mages and attempt to gather Naga’s horde to your side.”
My lips part in astonishment. “So...you and Raz’zor and I...we’re all a horde now?”