I meet Valasca’s hardened gaze, sobered by the memory of how I folded when faced with the first scorpio that attacked us.
“I want that,” I agree, lit up by the idea of becoming tougher in every way and gaining control of some true power. “Train me like the Amaz.”
Valasca’s eyes flash with a feral light. “You won’t like it, Gardnerian.”
Defiance sparks as I bristle at her certainty.
And at the feeling that she’s probably right.
An incoming flock of purple-flecked ravens snags my attention and I look past her, the birds swooping down to light on branches of the dead Baobab trees. Their wings settle as they turn toward us and grow still.
I’m suddenly filled with the unsettling sense that all the birds are watching me.
Along with the trees.
Part Five
Declaring that a State of War exists
between the Holy Magedom of
Gardneria and Noilaan.
All necessary force will be used
to subdue the Noi aggressors and
their Vu Trin forces to protect
the Holy Magedom.
Gardnerian Guard
Internal Mandate
Issued by High Mage Marcus Vogel
Initiating a military search for Elloren
Gardner, heir to Carnissa Gardner’s power.
Ruling War against Gardneria and all those
who align with them in their aggressions
against the people of the Eastern Realm.
The full might of the Vu Trin forces shall be
employed to cut down all threats to Noilaan.