Valasca sighs and rakes her fingers agitatedly through her spiky hair. “Queen Alkaia doesn’t know I’m here, and I’d be grateful if it could remain that way.” She grimaces at the floor and shakes her head, as if holding some internal debate. “I love my people, but they have some customs that border on flat-out stupidity. If I’m going to lead a military expedition to rescue the Selkies, it makes sense to actuallyspeakwith the people who havebeenin the places that are our targets. Even if they are men.”
She pauses to glance up to the ceiling and lets out a string of oaths aimed at no one in particular. Then she glares hotly at all of us. “This type of foolishness is why the Gardnerians increased the size of their territory tenfoldduring the Realm War.”
I’m momentarily dumbfounded, my hand pulling away from Yvan’s. “Did you say you’releadingthe expedition?”
She fixes me with an even stare. “Yes. I’m highly positioned in the Queen’s Guard.”
I look at her with astonishment. “How high?”
She considers me for a brief second before answering, one black eyebrow cocked. “I command it.”
Holy Ancient One in the heavens above.“Is that why Alcippe backed down from you that night? The night she wanted to kill us?”
Valasca lets out a quick sigh. “Alcippe may be stronger than me, but I’m rather good with a rune-blade. She was seriously outmatched.”
“You could have taken her down with just that one rune-blade?” I ask, my voice shrill.
Valasca’s kohl-marked eyes narrow on me, glinting with amusement. “I could probably take down everyone in this room with just that one rune-blade.” She gestures loosely toward Diana with her thumb. “Except maybe the Lupine.”
“I’m a Level Five Mage,” Trystan interjects, tapping his wand lightly. “I might give you a run for your money.”
“I’m particularly good at deflecting magic with a blade,” Valasca casually informs him. “Even combined elemental spells.”
“Well, all right then,” Trystan says, looking impressed.
Confusion roils inside me. “ told me you were a goat herder.”
“Iama goat herder,” Valasca says, an irritated edge to her tone. “Andthe commander of the Queen’s Guard.”
It all falls into place—why Freyja chose Valasca to be my guard. Why Valasca was dressed so inconspicuously in Amaz lands. Theywantedme to underestimate her.
I frown darkly at Valasca. “They really thought I was that much of a threat?”
She stares at me for a long moment, as if deliberating. “Yes, Elloren,” she finally says, an apologetic edge creeping into her tone. “They did. I should have told you of my position once I realized, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you weren’t a threat. I’m sorry for that.”
Yes, you should have told me. Before we drank all that Tirag. And told each other so many private things.
But none of that matters, I realize. She’s here. Breaking with her people’s ways. All to help Marina and her people.
“You don’t need to apologize,” I tell her. “I’m grateful for what you’re doing. Thank you for going out of your way to help the Selkies.”
Valasca raises her brow slightly and grows serious. “You don’t need to thank me, Elloren Gardner.” Her voice has become low and subdued. “The chance to stand up and fight against injustice... It is the highest gift the Goddess can bestow upon any of us.”
I give her a slight smile and nod in agreement. Valasca returns my smile.
“Do you want Mage backup when you set out to free the Selkies?” Trystan lightly inquires, but his gaze is steel hard. “I would be happy to accompany you. I find the idea of rendering one of those taverns into ash to be quite appealing.”
Valasca’s shrewd eyes flick over the Level Five stripes on my brother’s military apprentice uniform. “Thank you for your offer, Trystan Gardner,” she says with a respectful dip of her head. “But the Amaz will not let men accompany our military.”
Trystan holds Valasca’s even stare. “Well, let me know if you change your mind.”
“I do need your assistance in another way, however,” she tells him. “I need to know the rough layout of each tavern—where the skins are kept, how many guards there are, what kinds of weapons they have.”
“The skins are in Elfin steel trunks,” Yvan puts in.
“Which are locked,” Gareth adds. “And stored in locked rooms.”
Valasca huffs out a dismissive sound. “We can blast through all of that.”