Page 10 of The Iron Flower

Oh, Holy Ancient One.

No, No, No, I warn myself.He’s trouble. Don’t let yourself be so completely drawn in.

I tense my brow pointedly at him, my eyes briefly flicking over his new commander stripe. “How goes the quest for world domination?”

Lukas gives a short laugh as he looks out over the crowded streets. “It appears that the Resistance has one small feather in their cap. Not only did our forces let them destroy half of the Fourth Division Base, they actually allowed an unbroken military dragon to slip right out from under them. Seems no one even bothered to post a guard.” He smiles, a predatory gleam in his eyes. “It doesn’t matter. We can be disorganized and sloppy and we’ll still win. And the hunt for a missing dragon should provide for a day’s amusement, don’t you think?”

His sly, knowing look sends a ripple of unease through me. “So, this is all just a game to you?”

Lukas’s eyes narrow. “You’ve become quite the little cynic, haven’t you?”

“I have. And I find your twisted worldview to be completely infuriating.”

In one deft motion, Lukas slides his arms around me and pulls me close.

“Miss me?” His breath is warm on my cheek. “I certainly missed you.”

His’s like a deep forest. And I’ve a new sense of the power thrumming just under his skin, my earth lines stirring in response to it. Being close to him feels temptingly good, like touching wood.

“What?” Lukas’s lips brush my ear. “No kiss for the returning warrior?”

My earth lines branch toward his, pulsing with heat. “You’re a plague on Erthia,” I attempt, trying to steel myself against the pull of our matching affinities, but the words are caught in a gasp as he traces his lips slowly down my neck. His hands slip under my cloak and slide around my waist.

“Who turned you into the little subversive?” His voice is silken, his lips lingering against my skin.

“Why are you pursuing me, Lukas?” I demand weakly, evading the question as I thrill to the feel of his magic reaching for mine.

He laughs against my neck. “Because you’re beautiful. And your draw is irresistible. The way your affinities complement’s more than a bit enticing.”

His pianist fingers reach up to thread through my hair, and his warmth slides straight through me, kindling my wakening lines of fire. I know I should be stronger than this, that I shouldn’t fall so easily under his thrall. But a dark remembrance forms in my mind that abets the temptation to be reckless.

You need to keep your connection to Lukas. To keep everyone safe. And to draw him over to our side.

So, when Lukas leans in to kiss me, I let my lips soften, like sugar melting against his heat. I close my eyes as I fall into his seductive kiss, our affinity lines flaring around each other, his dark branches caressing mine, smooth leaves gently uncurling.

He breaks the kiss and teasingly runs his lips near the edge of my ear. “You promised you’d go to the Yule Dance with me this week’s end.”

“All right,” I agree, far too readily. I tilt my head toward him, foolishly wanting more, wanting to feel the sinuous unfurling of the tree. And his fire.

Lukas releases me, looking smug as he backs away. “I’ll come for you at sixth hour.”

Panic rears, cutting through the sensual haze.Marina. Lukas can’t come anywhere near the North Tower while she’s hidden there.

“No, don’t come for me...” I struggle to find a plausible excuse, but the words stick tight in my throat. It’s no use. Try as I may, it’s frustratingly impossible to lie to him.

Lukas cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “All right then, I’ll meet you at the dance. Look for me.”

I arch my brow at him. “You’re kind of hard to miss.”

He laughs. “So are you, Elloren. So are you.”

“I might wear this tunic,” I warn in a sudden blaze of defiance.

Lukas’s eyes slide over me, making me shiver slightly. “I really don’t care what you wear,” he says wickedly. Then he turns and strides off.

Oh, sweet Ancient One in the heavens above.

How in the name of all that is holy am I going to keep my wits around him?