Ariel does survive being deprived of the nilantyr, and it does get easier, everyone coming together to help Ariel in their own way.
Wynter, ever faithful, stays close by Ariel every moment she can. Every night, she wraps Ariel in a soft, winged embrace and sings to her in High Elvish, whispering to her lovingly even as Ariel mutters incoherently and wakens only sporadically, regarding us all with half-focused, bloodshot eyes while her raven perches overhead.
Diana, whom Ariel never had much affection for, keeps her distance, but goes about efficiently keeping Ariel’s clothes and bedding clean, muttering darkly to herself the whole time about the inhuman Gardnerians and their bizarre religious beliefs that target children born with wings, and how you wouldn’t catch the Lupines being so horribly and unforgivably cruel. Surprisingly, Diana also takes on caring for Ariel’s chickens, though they flee in a panic whenever she comes near.
Marina helps Diana with the cleaning, but has grown increasingly troubled at this further proof of the Gardnerians’ barbaric behavior. Her fear for her sister grows exponentially with every day that passes, but the wilds are impassible with so much snow on the ground. There’s no way around it—we have to wait until the weather improves before we can visit the Amaz and implore them to help Marina’s people.
Rafe and Yvan take turns bringing Ariel food from the kitchen while Tierney and I prepare medicines to help restore her energy. Wynter’s brother, Cael, and his quiet second, Rhys, bring Ariel an Elfin rune-amulet to wear, telling us that its red stone inlay is supposed to toughen the skin and might work on wings, as well.
Perhaps for the first time in her life, Ariel is surrounded by people supporting her, caring for her, wanting her to heal and be strong—strong like she was before the Gardnerians forced the nilantyr on her. Before they threw her into a cage.
* * *
That evening, I sit in the flickering firelight by Ariel’s bedside, gently dabbing Ariel’s fevered brow with a clean, cool rag.
The worst seems to be over.
The nightmare that’s held on to Ariel for close to a full week has finally released her from its merciless grasp, though she’s still pale and skeletally thin. Her wings are so threadbare you can see through them, and her body is so wilted and weak that we have to spoon-feed her.
But the stench of the poison is gone, and she sleeps soundly, as if a fragile peace has settled over her.
Like so much in her life, she’s survived it.
As I gently wipe the sweat from Ariel’s forehead, her eyes flutter open. My brow lifts in astonishment as she looks at me in a new way—fully alert and really here. And completely aware for the first time in days.
“Why are you doing this?” she asks in a coarse voice, the question devoid of emotion.
I draw my hand away, chastened by her direct question. “Because it’s wrong, what they did to you.” I tentatively bring the cloth back to her forehead and expect her to stop me, but she doesn’t. “And I want you to get better.”
Ariel considers me for a moment before replying. “I will always hate you,” she says, but there’s no malice in her tone—only exhaustion and confusion at my stubborn presence.
I shrug off the sting of her words as I continue to tend to her. “I still want you to get better.”
“Because I don’t want them to win.”
I stop wiping Ariel’s brow and sit back, the two of us looking at each other for a moment. Eventually, her lids become heavy, and she loses herself to sleep once more.
My eyes wander past Ariel to where Marina lies in front of the fire, staring at me, her ocean eyes alert. She’s been keeping a constant vigil at the window, waiting for the weather to change, waiting for the time when we can travel to meet with the Amaz and ask for their help.
When a thaw comes a few days later, pulling snow back into the earth, Marina, Diana and I make plans to leave Ariel in Wynter’s care.
And then we set out for Amaz territory.
All diplomatic relations with the Amazakaran Free People of the Caledonian Mountains are hereby suspended, and trade sanctions will be vigorously enforced until the Amazakaran surrender the Urisk, Smaragdalfar Elves and Fae-blooded who reside in their territory in flagrant violation of Realm Law.