Page 69 of The Iron Flower

Naga’s reptilian expression turns smug. Yvan inclines his head toward the dragon, then lets out a short laugh, his green gaze sliding back to me, as if in response to an acerbic comment from Naga.

I shoot him a knowing look.I know you’re speaking to her with your mind. We all do.

“We’ve fixed Naga’s leg,” Ariel crows to me, her triumphant smile blackened from the nilantyr berries, her raven perched on her shoulder. Her mouth twists into a sneer. “Soon she’ll be able to kill you with all four sets of claws.”

“You did a good job, Ariel,” Andras says as he surveys Naga’s splinted leg with deep satisfaction, overlooking Ariel’s penchant for sniping at everyone. “It’s a nice set, and theAsterbanepaste you made has finally gotten her wounds to close. She should be able to put weight on it soon.”

Ariel’s unfriendly grin fades, and she glances over at Andras as if wildly thrown by his praise. She turns oddly reticent, her threadbare wings agitatedly flapping as she abruptly gets up and joins Wynter near Naga’s head, her raven flying off to light on a branch. The dragon rubs her scaled cheek against Ariel’s shoulder in a very feline gesture of affection. Ariel throws her arms around Naga’s neck, and the dragon closes her eyes and lets out a rumbling purr.

Yvan’s mouth lifts into a satisfied half smile, his gaze on me almost sultry, and my face warms in response to it.

Sweet Ancient One, you’re beautiful.

“Come, sit with me,” Gareth invites Marina, extending his hand to her.

Marina lets Gareth lead her to a seat between himself and Tierney, and I sit down beside them, intensely aware of Yvan’s eyes tracking me.

Gareth’s arm comes around Marina’s shoulder with an ease that catches my eye. Distracted, Marina lifts her head and smells the air, her eyes carefully homing in on Rafe, like an animal assessing a potential predator.

“This one,” Marina says to Diana, angling her chin toward Rafe. “He is your mate, no?”

“Not as of yet,” Diana says, smiling congenially. “Soon.”

Marina studies Rafe, her brow tensing. She sniffs hard. “He is not a shifter.” She turns to Diana, appearing deeply perplexed. “Is he as strong as you?”

Diana huffs out an indulgent sound. “Oh,please.I could snap him like a twig.”

Trystan coughs out a laugh and turns to Rafe, amused. “Are you intimidated by your girlfriend yet, my brother?”

Rafe’s mouth twitches up. “Not at all, my brother.” He grins at Trystan and throws him a mischievous look. “I happen to enjoy the company of strong women.”

Marina turns and focuses in on Yvan. “You were there. The day Elloren freed me.”

Yvan regards Marina with the dragon’s same even, unblinking stare. “I was.”

Marina’s nostrils suddenly flare and she stiffens, drawing back. “Whatareyou?”

Yvan’s whole demeanor instantly shifts from languid ease to a darkly shielded rigidity.

“You are other,” Marina whispers, hunching down as if faced with a potential threat.

“He’s a man of mystery,” Rafe puts in with a smirk.

“Another Evil One,” Trystan idly states as he forms a rotating ball of lightning over his wand’s tip. “We’re all Evil Ones here.”

“Evil Ones?” Marina cautiously asks, uncomprehending.

I glower at Trystan. “My brothers have a strange sense of humor.”

“Well, it’s true,” Trystan says as he transforms the lightning ball into a roiling orb of deep blue fire. “According to the glorious and most holyBook of the Ancients, we’re all Evil Ones. Except, maybe, for Ren here.”

I bristle at Trystan’s singling me out, but Andras’s broad chest rocks with a deep laugh. He gives my brother a wry look. “Yes, you Gardnerians cast a wide net with your Evil Ones.”

Trystan eyes Andras sidelong. “That we do. It’s our special talent.” He casts the fiery blue ball into the bonfire, the flames momentarily burning with a stunning variety of vivid blues.

Gareth, Marina and Tierney fall into low conversation with my brothers and Andras. Wynter pairs off with Ariel, the two of them gathering the splinting supplies and disappearing into the cave.

My attention is inexorably drawn to Yvan, as it always is when he’s near. He’s leaning toward Naga, no longer at ease. Their eyes are set on each other with intense focus, as if they’re immersed in a silent, tension-fraught conversation, and Yvan nods stiffly every so often.