“Have you and Rhys been shunned, too?” I look toward Cael’s pale, quiet second.
“Not yet,” Cael says. “But it may come to that.”
I glance over at Wynter, who seems to be in a state of shock, staring out into nothing.
“Wynter, I’m so sorry,” I say to her, but she doesn’t respond. “I’ve never seen her like this,” I tell Cael and Rhys.
“She loves our people,” Cael says, his elegant voice breaking. “To the point where I believe she would give her life for them.” Sorrow lances through his expression. “She should be anEalaiontora. Yet the Alfsigr turn their backs on her.”
I send him a questioning look.
“It is difficult to translate,” Cael tells me. “AnEalaiontorais...a great artist. And yet...it is even more than this.”
“AnEalaiontorais a prophet,” Rhys says softly, catching me off guard. He’s always been so silent, so watchful. His voice is gentle and heavily accented, all the sharp edges of his speech rounded off, like they’ve been smoothed by flowing water.
“Not like in your sacred texts,” Rhys gently explains. “AnEalaiontorais a prophet not through words, but through their art and their very life. They are a reflection of the Soul of The People.”
“If my sister had been born without wings,” Cael says, “she would be revered by all of Elfkin. We have not seen the likes of her...thetalentshe possesses...for generations. Her art should decorate the halls of the Alfsigr monarchs and the steps of theArdeaglais.”
“I am not anEalaiontora,” Wynter says from where she’s slumped against the wall, her voice dulled. “I am one of the Foul Ones. Leave me and return to our people. I accept my fate.”
Ariel bolts to her feet, her black wings unfurling, a small ring of fire erupting around Wynter and herself as she glares at us. “Get out,” she seethes at us. “Getout.Allof you. You arepoisoningher mind.”
“Ariel, they’re trying to help her,” I insist.
“Getout!” Ariel snarls at me, at Cael and Rhys.“Leave. Her. Alone.”She kneels back down in front of Wynter. “We don’t need them,” she tells Wynter as she strokes her hair clumsily, silent tears streaming down her livid face. “We don’t needanyof them. They only want to hurtus.They’rethe Foul Ones. You can’t let thembreakyou.”
“What are you going to do?” I ask Cael, twisted up with anguish.
“We will seek an audience with my aunt, the queen. We will beg her not to send out the Marfoir. And to rescind this decree against the Icarals.”
“And if she denies you?”
Cael nods gravely, as if already braced for this possibility. “We will break with my people. Somehow, we will get my sister through the Eastern Pass. We will journey to Noi lands, where Rhys and I will join the Wyvernguard.” Cael’s cultivated face grows hard as flint. “And then we will take up arms against the Gardnerians and the Alfsigr Elves.”
The peaceful annexation of the territories formerly and illegally occupied by the Northern and Southern Lupines will commence immediately, bringing the northern territory under the protection of Alfsigroth and the southern territory under the protection of the Holy Magedom of Gardneria.
Verpacian Council
By unanimous decision, the Verpacian Council has voted to bring Verpacia under the protection of Gardneria. The peaceful transition of power will commence immediately, beginning with the merging of the Gardnerian military with the armed forces of Verpacia. The Verpacian Council will hereby operate under the jurisdiction of the Mage Council of Gardneria.