She’s not there.
I tentatively make my way through the door and into the room. My eyes dart around as Commander Grey and his Mage Council cohort follow close at my heels, my heart violently pounding in my chest.
Holy Ancient One, where is Diana?
I scan the room. She’s nowhere. I turn around to glance behind me, and that’s when I see her.
I flinch at the sight of her and take a step back.
She’s on Wynter’s bed, hidden in the shadows just behind the open door, still as death, her eyes alert and wilder than I’ve ever seen them.
Full of a frightening level of hate.
Her hands are shifted from the wrists down, transformed into clawed weapons and clutching at the edge of the bed so tightly her nails are sunk deep into the wood of the frame. I’ve never seen her look so terrifying, as if it’s taking every ounce of self-control she possesses to keep from killing everyone she can get her claws and teeth on.
“There she is,” the Council Mage says, pointing.
Commander Grey takes in the sight of her. “Wild-looking thing, isn’t she?”
“I can tell she’s the daughter,” the Council Mage says. “She looks quite a bit like the father.”
Diana’s nails flick into the wood a fraction more, the hair at her wrists creeping up her arm.
No, Diana. Sweet Ancient One, don’t do it. There’s too many of them...
“Diana Ulrich,” Commander Grey says, his tone formal and commanding, “you are hereby placed under the joint custody of the Gardnerian and Vu Trin command, along with your brother, Jarod Ulrich. Do you understand?”
Oh, Diana, please. Please don’t kill them. They’ll take you down.
I can’t breathe. I can’t move. All I can do is wait and pray as she surveys them like a cobra ready to strike.
And then her fur starts to recede, fading from her lower arms, her wrists, until her hands are human once again. There are deep holes under her fingers where her claws gouged the bed.
Only the wild violence in her eyes remains.
“I am prepared to cooperate with you fully,” she says, her voice so ice-cold and completely altered that it sends a chill straight down my spine.
“A wise decision, Diana Ulrich,” the commander congratulates her.
“The females are more docile than the males, Lachlan,” the Council Mage says. “This one’s mother was quite submissive.”
“That’s not surprising,” Commander Grey replies. “Females are generally easier to handle.”
The Council Mage purses his thin lips. “I would watch the brother carefully, however. The males are very aggressive.”
One of the Gardnerian soldiers steps into the room. “Commander, it seems the easiest place to hold the Lupines, at present, is here in this very tower. It’s separate from the rest of the University and easily guarded by both forces.”
“Very well,” Lachlan agrees with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Elloren Gardner, you will come with us now.” He eyes me frigidly. “Your aunt has had safer and more appropriate lodging set aside for you for some time now.”
Jarod is ushered into our bedroom by two Gardnerian soldiers and roughly pushed onto my bed. He lies down and turns his back to all of us.
As I’m led away, I turn once to look behind me.
Diana has moved inhumanly fast.
She’s now perched on the windowsill directly opposite the door, perfectly still, her violent amber eyes fixed on Lachlan Grey.
The Gardnerians seem oblivious, talking among themselves in the hallway, completely ignoring her and unaware of her swift, predatory movement. Her gaze meets mine for just a moment before Commander Grey slams the door shut.