Page 165 of The Iron Flower

“No!” Aislinn cries at the soldiers, kicking at them. “Let mego! Ihateyou! I hate youall! You’remurderers!”

“Have you gone insane?” her father demands as the guards attempt to restrain her.

Aislinn stops fighting, draws back and spits in her father’s face.

Mage Greer wipes the spittle off, his stunned expression morphing to one of pure, unadulterated fury. He snaps his hand up and slaps Aislinn hard across the face.

I flinch from the sound of the blow, pulling in a shocked breath.

“You are aGardnerian!” Mage Greer snarls. “Not some Lupine’sbitch!”

“Howcouldyou?” Aislinn cries. “How could youkillthem? Even thechildren! Ihateyou! I’ll hate you forever! You’remurderers!”

Aislinn’s father quickly collects himself and turns to his soldiers, directing them through gritted teeth. “Get her out of here. I don’t care if you have to tie her up and gag her to do it. Put her in a carriage to Valgard.Now.”

* * *

I watch through the hallway window as they drag Aislinn off, her father following closely behind. Everything in me rages to do something to stop this, but I’m bound by the promise I just made to Aislinn.

Commander Vin gestures for Commander Grey to enter the tower, then follows him inside. They’re trailed by the Verpacian commander and a white-bearded Council Mage, along with several Gardnerian and Vu Trin soldiers.

Heart pounding, I turn and steady myself against the windowsill as Commander Grey ascends the stairs.

“Elloren Gardner,” he says as he enters the hall, his cold eyes boring into me.

“Commander Grey,” I reply, my voice strangled. Commander Vin and the others filter into the hall, as well.

“What is the granddaughter of Carnissa Gardner doing here?” the bearded Council Mage questions, screwing his face up in shock.

“Vyvian is punishing her for listening to her fool-headed uncle,” Lukas’s father replies. “Isn’t that right, Mage Gardner?”

“That’s right,” I say, unable to keep the defiance from my voice.

Commander Grey sneers and turns his attention to Jarod. “Attention, boy! Identify yourself! Are you Jarod Ulrich, son of Gunther Ulrich?”

“He can’t answer you,” Commander Vin says with barely concealed loathing.

“Whyever not?” asks Commander Grey. “Is he dumb?”

Her returning glare is as sharp as her curved swords. “He’s in shock, Lachlan.”

“Don’t believe it for a second, Lachlan,” says the Council Mage. “They’re full of tricks.”

“Jarod Ulrich!” Commander Grey tries again, this time his voice booming so loud that I jump, and so does Jarod.

Jarod’s hands drop from his face, and he looks around the room in a stupor, unable to focus on anything, lost in the nightmare his world has become.

I remember the young Selkie girl the Amaz rescued, the one in shock, the one who looked no older than twelve. Her traumatized expression was the same as Jarod’s is now.

“That’s him,” the Council Mage verifies. “I remember him from my visit to their pack.”

“Excellent,” Commander Grey responds, looking around. His frigid green eyes light on me. “And the sister? Where is the girl?”

I struggle not to glare at him with blistering hatred. My eyes flit toward the lodging door.

“Go on,” he orders me, his tone cool. “Go fetch her.”

Nausea overtaking me, I cautiously move to the door. Commander Grey and the Council Mage wait, arms crossed, as I peer into our room and search for Diana.