The door opens, and surprise slams into me.
Yvan Guriel is looming over me, his brown hair tousled and sticking out at odd angles, like he’s run his hand through it in irritation one too many times.
I can see from his expression that he’s just as surprised to findmethere.
“What areyoudoing here?” I demand, struggling to keep my composure in the face of his hostility.
“Ilivehere,” he replies caustically.
Thrown, but undaunted, I try to look around him into the room. “Where are my brothers?”
He doesn’t answer, just glares at me hotly.
“Well, if this is where my brothers lodge, I need to drop off my violin,” I say testily, lifting the instrument’s case.
“Your violin?” he sneers, like I’ve said something offensive.
“So that the Icarals I’m being forced to live with don’t set it on fire,” I explain stiffly, trying to ignore how infuriatingly good-looking he is.
He flexes his angular jaw, and his intense green eyes burn into mine.
“Can I please just leave it here?” I finally ask, exasperated.
Reluctantly he opens the door wide, shoots me a look of hatred, then turns his back on me, stalking over to a broad desk lit by a small lamp. Thick physician texts are open on it, along with what must be an essay in progress.
Recognizing Rafe’s things, I slide my violin under my brother’s bed.
“Thank you for your hospitality,” I say to Yvan’s back, shooting him an angry look that I know he can’t see. Then I walk out and slam the door behind me.
* * *
Lukas is leaning against a tree, hidden by the shadows, as I walk out of the lodging house.
“You went in strong last night, I can tell.” His voice is silky smooth and warm with approval.
I stop in front of him as I let the startled feeling settle. It’s hard to make Lukas out, only the metal hilt of his sword and the gilded edge of his cloak catching the faint moonlight. My eyes adjust, and I can barely make out the subtle shimmer of his skin.
“I did,” I reply evenly.
“And? Are the Icarals afraid of you now?”
“Good.” He pushes himself away from the tree and strides toward me.
I step back and hold up my hands to ward him off. “Oh, no. I need to stayfaraway from you.”
His grin widens. “No, you don’t.”
I step back farther. “No, I reallydo. Or Fallon’s going to kill me.”
“She won’t kill you. She’ll just make your life miserable. But it’s worth it, don’t you think?”
Before I can comment on his audacity, he flicks his wand, and I’m bound and pulled straight into his arms. The bindings dissolve as he embraces me and kisses my neck. I halfheartedly push at him, and he gives a low chuckle. My resolve weakens, carried away on the cool night air.
“Why is she so obsessed with you?” I ask breathlessly.
He gives me a sly, dark smile. “You have to ask?”