“Called!” the Match Master booms. “For Mage Fallon Bane!”
The Gardnerians erupt into cheers, some military apprentices launching into our national song with boisterous, off-key voices.
The last of my courage seeps out of me. I pull away from the jostling crowd and stumble toward a distant, sheltering tree. I plop down on the damp, shadowed grass, let my sleep-deprived head fall into my hands and cry.
* * *
I startle as a hand makes contact with my shoulder. I look up to find Aislinn and Echo crouched by me, their faces shocked and full of concern.
I don’t know what to say. It’s just so awful.
“What happened?” Aislinn says. “We’ve been lookingeverywherefor you. When you didn’t show up for breakfast, we got worried.” She reaches up to gently touch my face, her brow tightly knotted. “Heavens, Elloren. You’re bruised. Did someone hit you?”
Sobbing pathetically, I tell them about the Icarals and the kitchen workers as they sit down on the damp grass beside me.
Aislinn shakes her head from side to side. “I can’t believe your aunt could be so cruel.”
“It’s a test, Elloren,” Echo informs me gravely.
“Iknowit’s a test,” I reply, agitatedly pulling at grass with both fists. “To see how much I can take before I back down and get fasted to a man I barely know.”
“No,” Echo says, her eyes wide and sure. “It’s a test sent down by the Ancient One. You are Carnissa Gardner’s descendant. There’s a reason you look so much like her. You are meant to descend into this pit of Evil. Just like Fain inThe Book. He was visited upon by every manner of evil and misfortune, remember? But it was all a test. Fain remained true, and in the end, he prevailed and was rewarded by the Ancient One. You, also, are meant to confront the Evil Ones, and you will prevail!”
“I’m not the Black Witch, Echo,” I point out, swiping at my tears. “I’m a Level One Mage. Just like you. How exactly am I supposed to prevail againstIcaral demons?”
“You have the power of the Ancient One on your side,” she assures me. “If you remain true to His teachings, youwillprevail!”
This is of no comfort whatsoever.
Magically, I’m a complete and utter weakling. I need help. Preferably from a Level Five Mage.
I sit bolt upright, struck by inspiration. “Where’s Lukas?”
Aislinn’s face lights up. “I know where he is, Elloren,” she says, getting up and holding out her hand to me. “I saw him earlier. He’s here for a few weeks to oversee the Second Division apprentices—that’s Randall’s division. Come on.”
I cling to Aislinn’s arm as we wind our way through the tournament fields, my wretched appearance attracting more than a few curious stares.
I spot Lukas up ahead, and a nervous jolt of energy shoots through me.
He’s surrounded by a crowd, fencing with an Elfhollen lieutenant, the Gardnerian military apprentices periodically cheering him on. Lukas’s eyes are as focused as a hawk bearing down on a small rodent as he points his sword at his opponent, a confident smile on his face.
As we approach, Lukas’s eyes flicker to meet mine, causing him to momentarily lose concentration. His opponent mock-stabs him with a capped sword tip just above the heart.
Lukas seems oblivious to the sounds of surprise going up around him and the look of shocked triumph on his opponent’s face. He cocks his head to the side, takes in my wretched appearance then turns and shakes hands with his victorious opponent, leaning in to say something to the man in the Elfhollen language. The Elfhollen laughs and responds in the strange tongue. Lukas sheathes his sword and strides over to meet us, another Gardnerian lieutenant taking his place on the field.
“Elloren, what happened to you?” he asks as he approaches. “You’re filthy.” He pulls his head back sharply. “Did someone strike you?”
“I’m in a really bad situation,” I tell him breathlessly. “I don’t know what to do.”
He narrows his eyes, then glances over at Aislinn and Echo. “Can I speak with her privately?”
“Of course,” Echo responds without hesitation. Aislinn gives me a small, encouraging smile.