It’s early morning, and she’s sitting against a tree listlessly, dark circles anchored beneath her eyes. Looking like she hasn’t slept at all.
A week has passed, and Aislinn has made an uneasy peace with Jarod. He’s taken my advice, giving Aislinn space to think, although I can see it takes a great effort on his part to do so. Aislinn doesn’t stop coming to Chemistrie, but their note passing ceases.
Aislinn stares at me despondently. “I’m trapped.”
The words hang in the air, a wintry breeze swirling around them. It’s been a strange year—colder every day, but still we wait for snow.
I try to think of something to distract her. “You know, Diana Ulrich is living with me now.”
I’ve chosen my subject well.
Aislinn’s pained expression becomes more muted as her eyebrows arch up in surprise. “Really?”
* * *
The previous night Diana appeared at my door, two large travel bags in hand.
“I will hurt her if I stay,” Diana announced as she swept into the room and threw her things on my bed.
“Who?” I asked, looking up from my studies, as mystified as Ariel and Wynter by Diana’s sudden presence here.
“Echo Flood...all of them,” Diana informed us imperiously. “I will live with you now. Ah, good, chickens. A snack. I’m famished.”
Incensed, Ariel leaped in front of her chickens and thrust out her palms. A small circle of fire erupted around Diana. This surprised me. I’d seen Ariel start the fireplace fire on numerous occasions, but she never seemed able to summon more than a very small flame.
Diana looked down and viewed the rapidly disappearing ring of fire with disdain. “Why is she so protective of these chickens?”
“Get out!” Ariel hissed.
“No!” Diana replied, indignant as she crossed her arms in front of herself.
“Diana,” I said firmly, “promise Ariel you won’t eat the chickens!”
“Just promise her! You cannot stay here unless you leave any birds that make their way into this room alone.”
Diana looked back and forth from Ariel to me like we were both completely unhinged. “All right,” she relented, humoring us. “I promise. I will not eat these chickens. I would just like to know one simple thing.”
I raised my eyebrows at her.
“Are there no normal people in this University?”
I glanced over at Ariel, who was crouched in front of her chickens, eyeing Diana murderously, the terrified chickens glued to her ankles. Then I looked over at Wynter, who was hiding under her wings, and finally at Diana’s glowing eyes. And then there was me, the magic-free Black Witch look-alike.
Laughter at the sheer absurdity of it all bubbled up inside me. “I don’t know about the whole University, Diana, but there are definitely no normal people in this room.”
Diana stared at me for a moment, one eyebrow arched as if mildly affronted. But I caught Wynter’s eye, and she gave me a small, tentative smile.
“I’m going out!” Diana abruptly announced with a dissatisfied huff.
“Where?” I asked.
“To find some rabbits!” she snapped. “Since you are all so protective of these chickens!”
* * *
“What did she do next?” Aislinn asks, enthralled despite her dark mood.