Page 148 of The Black Witch

My mouth falls open, and I gape at him.

After a moment he looks up at me. “Our hearing is vastly superior to yours.”

“Another interesting skill to have,” I say, amazed.

“It’s a horrible skill to have here,” he replies, exasperated. “I’ve been privy to countless conversations regarding the Gardnerian females’ worries that I will abduct them at any moment, which is absurd.”

“There might be a reason why they’re so concerned,” I point out. “The Northern Lupine packs may be different from yours. Aislinn’s father visited them and came back with some very disturbing tales.”

“Really. What exactly did he see?” Jarod asks with deep skepticism. He lays his pen down and gives me his full attention.

“Aislinn said that he saw one of the men get up in front of the entire pack, grab a young woman and drag her off into the woods to...” I gesture vaguely with my hand to fill in the blanks.

“And you believe this?”

“Jarod, he saw it with his own eyes.”

“People see what they expect to see,” he says sharply. “Through a filter of their own hatred and prejudice. You should realize this by now, rooming with two Icarals.”

“Couldn’t a different pack have different ways?” I rejoin defensively.

Jarod shakes his head tersely. “Our pack is no different from the Northern packs.”

“But, Jarod, hesawit—”

“Here’s what Aislinn’s father saw,” he says, cutting me off. “When two Lupines decide to take each other as life mates, one of them stands up and announces his or her desire to be with each other to the whole pack. The two then go offprivatelyinto the woods, and when they return, there is a joyful gathering to celebrate their union. Now, correct me if I’m mistaken, but this doesn’t seem to be all that different from your people’s traditions. Don’t you have some type of religious ceremony where couples who wish to be life mates announce their intentions before friends and family? And then the couple goes off to mate with each other afterward?”

I bite at my lip, my face coloring. It’s embarrassing to hear him talking about mating the way he and his sister do, so bluntly. But...he’s essentially right. “I’s similar, yes,” I admit.

“Except for just a few details, perhaps,” he continues, his tone clipped. “The mutual love and affection of the couple is an absolute given, or the pack would never approve of the match.” He leans back in his chair, his glowing amber eyes full of disapproval. “Aislinn’s father saw something beautiful, and twisted it into something sick and ugly, reinforcing his own unfair prejudices against us.”

I think about everything I was told about the Lupines before I got to know Jarod and Diana. How much of it was blatant lies? How much of it was twisted truth?

“That may be a fair assessment,” I finally agree.

“Hmm,” is all he says before returning to his studies.

* * *

“Elloren, can I speak with you?”

It’s later that same evening, and I’m still ensconced in the back of the main archives.

I look up from my pile of books and notes as Aislinn sits down across from me, her face strained, her book bag slung over one shoulder.

“What’s the matter?” My table sits near a window with a strong draft, but I’m blessedly next to a large iron stove that pumps out warmth.

“It’s Randall.” Aislinn glances around furtively before continuing, her voice low. “He doesn’t want to wait. He wants to fast to me as soon as possible.”

“Can’t you put him off a little longer?”

“I’ve already put him off for over a year. He wants to wandfast over Yule and then have the sealing ceremony as soon as I graduate.”

“How long wouldyoulike to wait?”

Her face goes tight with anxiety. “Forever.”

I set down my pen and level my eyes at her. “Well, then, why don’t you just do that?”