I lift my head and wrench myself around to see Fallon leaning against a wall, regarding me with a satisfied grin as she twirls her ebony wand between dexterous fingers.
“So, that’s it?” I spit out foolishly. “Your incredible Level Five powers? Frozen ink and a thousand and one ways to trip people?”
She lifts her wand in the air and murmurs something unintelligible as she watches me like a hawk zeroed in on its prey. Something translucent appears, hovering next to her head on both sides.
Four sharp, icy stakes streak toward my face, catching my hair as they impale themselves through the stone wall behind me with a sickening crack.
Terrified, I tug away from the icicles, some of my hair pulling out of my scalp as I do so.
Fallon twirls her wand, the corner of her mouth turning up. “We don’t have to be enemies, Elloren.”
“We don’t?” I croak out.
“Of course not,” she croons.
Her obnoxious, entitled tone kindles my anger. “You know, Fallon, if you want to be friends, you’re really going about it the wrong way.” I glare at her. “Where I’m from, people generally don’t hurlice daggersat people they’re trying to be friendswith.”
Her lips curl with contempt. “It’s simple. Just stay away from Lukas, and I’ll stay away from you. Understood?”
You mean, bullying witch.
I cough out a sound of disbelief and shake my head at her, anger burning hot at my neck. “You should be thanking me, you know that?”
“Really,”she spits out. “How so?”
I find my footing and rise. “Without me on his mind, Lukas might be undistracted enough to see you as you really are. And I think it’s safe to say that would make you quite a bit less attractive.” I straighten and look her square in the eye. “As if that wereevenpossible.”
She’s on me in a flash, her wand to my neck, and I suck in a tight breath, pressed up against the stone wall.
“Play this game with me, Gardner,” she seethes. “See how it ends for you.”
The echo of footsteps starts on the stairs and down the hallway, coming in our direction.
Fallon smiles darkly at me and removes her wand from my throat.
Fallon’s military guard stops short at the sight of me standing in a large puddle, shattered vials and books scattered all over the wet floor.
“Oh, dear,” Fallon croons, shaking her head with a sigh as she glances at the vials. “Guild Master Lorel won’t be happy you’re so clumsy. Wait until she hears.” She looks at me with mock concern. “You might want to clean up the mess you’ve made.”
She shoots me one last evil grin before she turns briskly on her heel and leaves.
Of Violins
It’s dark by the time I finish my kitchen labors, and I’m glad to leave, worn-out by the work and from enduring the hostile silence and forced politeness of the other workers. I go straight to the archives to complete my assignments and pore over Apothecarium texts for several bleary hours, dismay spiking as complicated formulations refuse to stay put in my sleep-deprived head.
Exhausted, I drag my feet toward where Rafe, Gareth and Trystan are lodging. Gareth’s only with them until week’s end, when he’ll travel back to Valgard with the other Maritime apprentices, and from there to the sea.
My brothers’ lodging house is a long wood-and-stone building with multiple chimneys that sends up River Maple–scented puffs of smoke into the chilly night air.
I’m enveloped by warmth upon entering. Tapestries adorn the walls of a welcoming common area that houses a roaring fireplace, several benches and a number of chairs. There’s wood flooring instead of stone, and it’s soothing to my tired feet. The male scholars, most of them Gardnerian, mill about talking, eating and studying. I feel a sting of jealousy.
You could be living somewhere pleasant like this, I can almost hear my aunt say.You could be with your own kind, in the plushest of lodging houses. If only you would agree to fast to Lukas Grey.
And get an ice pick through my head? No, thank you.I shake away thoughts of Aunt Vyvian and stifle the memory of Lukas’s hot kisses.
I approach the House Master’s desk, get permission to meet with my brothers and make my way down a dim hallway. I count down to the correct room and knock briskly on the door.