“What’s happened, Sarill?” Aislinn asks, confused. “Where are you going?”
The girl pauses, her eyes lighting briefly with recognition at the sight of me. She attempts a wavering smile, then turns back to Aislinn. “The male Lupine,” she says with a flustered wave toward the laboratory entrance. “He’s in there.”
Aislinn blanches. “He can’t be.”
“Oh, he’s in there, all right,” she insists darkly. “And I’m leaving. You should too, Aislinn.” She looks to me. “Both of you should.”
The girl rushes away, and she isn’t alone. Groups of Gardnerians and a few Kelts, most of them female, began to peel off and make their escape from the science hall.
I peer through the laboratory’s open door.
They’re both there. The blond Lupine twins.Talking to Professor Astrid Volya, the tall, tattooed Amaz professor with the pointed ears. Actually, the female Lupine is doing all the talking, her hand haughtily placed on one hip. The young Lupine male stands by, watching the two of them with his wild eyes.
I turn back toward Aislinn. She looks like she’s about to cry.
“This can’t be happening.” She stares at the Lupines, her eyes glassing over. “It just can’t be happening. I have to take this class. I can’t finish my archivist studies without it.” She turns to me, her voice gone small and dazed. “I can’t take a class with a Lupine male, Elloren. Father’d never allow it. He’ll make me leave University.” Her eyes dart around as if searching for a way out. “I can’t leave before year’s end. They’ll make me fast to Randall. Ihaveto finish my studies before I fast to Randall. If I don’t...he’llneverlet me come back.” Her lip starts to tremble as she tries to swallow back the tears.
I place a hand on her arm, concerned for her. “Oh, Aislinn...”
Her hand shaky, she fishes a handkerchief from her pocket and dabs at her eyes. “I’m the only female in my family to have ever attended University, Elloren.”
“I don’t understand why you need Chemistrie to become an archivist,” I say, defensive on her behalf. Archivist studies is all literature. Books and more books.
Aislinn sniffs back her tears. “Book preservation. Chemistrie’s required. It’s useful for us...” She trails off, gazing sadly at the classroom. “Well, at least...it would have been.” She turns back to me, her expression full of open longing. “I love books, Elloren. I love them. Sometimes I wish...” Her voice trails off, and her face darkens as if she’s admitting to something scandalous. “I wish I didn’t have to get fasted.”
I’m shocked by her admission. But then I grow sad for her, and this serious dilemma she’s in.
“What would you do,” I ask her gently, “if you didn’t have to?”
A spark flares in her eyes. “I’d work in the University archives. I’d curate the old books collection. Oh, Elloren,” she says, a hungry passion in her voice, “the Alfsigr archives are having an exhibit of the Rilynnitryn botany series. It’s the mostamazingwork on botany on all of Erthia. The Elves have this painting technique...it allows them to capture light in a three-dimensional way. Youhaveto see it.” Aislinn makes a gesture with her hand, like a flower blooming. “It’s like you can pick the flowers off the page. They’rethat real. They just...leapoff the page.” She stops herself. “Oh, Ancient One,” she says, chastened, “don’t tell anyone you heard me talking like this.”
“Why?” I question, confused.
She stares at me as if it should be obvious. “Because Elves are heathens, of course. It sounds as if I’m...glorifying their culture.” She gives me a wan smile. “At least, that’s what Father would say.”
I’m thrown by the strict rules her family holds her to. Uncle Edwin has never been so narrow-minded with my brothers and me.
“Aislinn, I’m sure we’ll be fine if we go in. Professor Volya looks scarier than they do. And the male Lupine, when Fallon set her magic on me...he was so kind.”
“You shouldn’t let your guard down because of that,” Aislinn counters, unmoved. “They’re viciously strong. The male alone could take down the entire class.Easily.”
She’s right. Lupines are supposed to be incredibly strong. And immune to wand magic.
Aislinn peers over at the Lupines through narrowed eyes. “Did you know that Echo and Fallon are being forced to lodge with the female?”
“You’re kidding.”
Aislinn shakes her head. “Paige, too. Echo told me about her. She said...” Aislinn pauses. She looks toward the Lupines uncomfortably, her cheeks flushing.
“What? What did she say?”
Aislinn leans in, her brow tight. “She told me,” she says, her voice low, “that the female walks around...naked.”
My mouth falls open.“Completely?”
She nods. “They’rewild, Elloren. Like animals. And the males are immoral and dangerous. I don’t know what to do.”