Sweet Ancient One, not another Bane. Not now.
Sylus’s eyes widen when he realizes who I am, then his gaze narrows, his mouth lifting in a jaded smirk. “Well, if it isn’t Mage Elloren Gardner! Fast work, Lukas. As usual, you have my complete and utter admiration.” He spits out a short laugh. “Justwaituntil Fallon gets wind ofthis...”
A creeping dread shivers up my spine.Fallon’s going to kill me.
“Is there a particular reason why you are so rudely interrupting us?” Lukas calmly asks.
There’s a chilly edge to his tone, and Sylus Bane’s smirk dampens. “Well,” Sylus explains, “we’re going...out. I assumed you’d be joining us. Unless, of course, you’re much too busy here?”
Lukas sighs and gives me a somewhat reluctant look. He turns to face Sylus. “I’ll meet you out front momentarily.”
Sylus grins wickedly, as if he’s won some secret contest, before he makes his exit. I relax a bit.
Lukas leans on the wall, one arm lightly around my waist.
I look closely at him. “Are you involved with Fallon Bane?”
He tilts his head and gives me a wry look. “I courted her. Briefly. Quite a while ago.”
“Oh.” I nod in complete understanding now.
He lets out a resigned sigh, his gaze level. “Our affinity lines clash. Disastrously, in my opinion, though obviously not in hers. She has a strong affinity for ice. I’ve none.” He rubs his fingers along my lower back, a delicious heat trailing his touch. His mouth tilts into a grin. “I’ve more of an affinity for fire.”
I hold his stare and imagine I could fall right into the smoldering green of it.
Trystan’s told me all about Mage affinities, how magic runs deep along elemental lines, every Mage possessing a different proportion of the five elementals: fire, earth, air, light and water, Trystan having leanings toward both fire and water magic.
I can sense Lukas’s magic. I can feel his fire.
Lukas has grown quiet and appears to be considering something.
“Come to the Yule dance with me,” he says.
“I don’t know what that is.”
“It’s a dance held every Yule at the University for Gardnerian scholars and graduates. Come with me.”
I swallow, not believing this is happening. It has to be a dream. “All right,” I say, nodding dumbly.
He grins widely and reaches up to play with my hair. “We should be getting back,” he says ruefully. “Your aunt will be wondering what became of you.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” I say, drawn in by his languid touch. “She seemed pretty happy to see us leave together.”
Overjoyed, actually.
“Yes, well...” he agrees, chuckling. He pulls away and offers me his arm. I thread my arm through his, part of me feeling oddly reckless, not wanting to leave, wanting to stay here alone with him, to feel the fire of his kiss light up the room.
When we reach the foyer, a group of young soldiers and military apprentices, Sylus amongst them, shout boisterously to Lukas. I look past them to see my brother Rafe approaching at a brisk pace, his eyes darting back and forth between Lukas and myself.
“Hey, Ren,” he greets me warmly.
I let go of Lukas’s arm and give my brother an affectionate hug.
“Where’s Trystan?” I ask, overjoyed to be with my brother again, but self-consciously aware of Lukas by my side.
“Trystan is staying with Gareth and his family,” Rafe tells me, smiling. “You know how much he loves large social gatherings.”
I laugh at this. “Where’s the harem that Trystan says you’re usually trailed by?” I tease.