Shen clucked his tongue. “Rude of you to assume I’m a thief.”
“Considering you have stolenme, it is a fair statement.” Rose exhaled loudly. “Are you always this insufferable?”
“Depends who you ask.” Before Rose even realized what was happening, Shen had slipped the locket off her neck. He held it up to the moon, starlight catching in its diamond snowflakes, then let out a low whistle. “This does look expensive.”
“Give it back!” Rose twisted in her seat, swiping desperately at the locket. “That’s mine!”
Shen dangled it out of reach. “Careful, Princess. All that wriggling might make you fall off.”
“I order you to return my locket!” fumed Rose.
To Rose’s alarm, he began to pry the locket open. “Now, what has your Prince Charming left for you in here? A portrait of himself? A vow of eternal love?”
“Don’t you dare open that!”
The locket popped open in Shen’s palm, revealing a ribbon of blond hair. “Stars above, Princess. Don’t tell me that’s what I think it is....”
Rose lunged for the locket, but he whipped it away. A rogue breeze curled around the hair and lifted it into the air.
“No! My love!” Rose leaped off the horse, her feet sinking in the sand as she desperately chased after it. The locket itself was a thing of beauty, but the gift of Ansel’s hair held far more value. It felt like a promise between them—a promise she was now breaking.
Shen’s laughter floated after her. “That isn’t your love, Princess. That’”
“It’s all I have of Ansel!” cried Rose. “Perhaps all I’ll ever have ofhim if I never get home!”
Shen fell silent on his horse. He watched her leap around the sand until the golden hair blew off into the desert night. “Watch your heart rate. You don’t want to attract another blood beetle.”
Rose whirled toward him, her words coming through gritted teeth. “What Iwantis to go home.”
“Just get back on the horse before you hurt yourself,” said Shen. “I’m sorry about your beloved’s hair. These desert winds have a mind of their own.” His lips twitched. “And here. You may have your precious locket back. Lucky for you, it’s not to my taste.”
He dangled it above her.
Rose snatched it back. She sighed as she settled the locket around her neck, then she swung up onto Storm’s back and landed neatly in front of Shen.
The faster we get through this desert, the sooner I can escape.
And besides, Ansel had an entire crop of beautiful wheat-blond hair. He could surely cut another lock for her when she returned to Anadawn.
They rode on in silence.
“I’m sorry about taking your locket,” said Shen after a while. “It wasn’t my finest moment.”
Rose stared resolutely ahead. “Why don’t I believe you?”
“I want to make it up to you.”
“Then take me back to Anadawn.”
“We both know I can’t do that. But I can take you somewhere else you might like.”
Rose perked up. This new destination might have people. She mightfinally have a real chance at escaping. “I’m listening....”
“We’re almost there.” Shen guided Storm through two rippling sand dunes, and Rose realized with sinking disappointment that “somewhere else” simply meant “somewhere in the desert.”
Between the shifting dunes was an unexpected oasis: a mass of desert shrubs and towering cacti covered in small white flowers. And just beyond it, a glittering black pool.
Shen hopped off Storm, waiting for her to follow. “Be careful of the thorns.”