"Angela Prescott. Dr. Turr is out of town this week."
"Celebrating the holidays?"
"Something like that."
Dr. Prescott wasn't just looking at him; she was studying him, assessing his form with a thoughtful intensity that felt less like objectification and more like admiration. It was a novel experience, feeling like a muse rather than a mere exhibit of masculine prowess.
"Most people can't get past the... exterior," Holden remarked, his voice tinged with a self-deprecating humor that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You're looking at my body like you see the art in the anatomy."
"Every curve and contour tells a story," she responded, meeting his gaze with a candor that set a charge in the air between them. "Your body is a narrative, Holden, rich with chapters I intend to explore through my designs."
Holden caught the earnest gleam in her eye. For a moment, he allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to be truly seen—not as Holden Tighe, the adult film icon, but as a man with depths yet unplumbed.
"Then consider me an open book, Dr. Prescott," Holden said, the corners of his mouth curling into a slow, inviting smile.
"Angela, please. We're about to be onveryfamiliar terms."
"Angela." He let her name roll off his tongue. "I'm ready for chapter one."
"Please make yourself comfortable here," Angela instructed, motioning to the recliner that seemed oddly out of place amid the sterility of the laboratory.
Holden complied. He got undressed, folding his clothes neatly and setting them aside on a chair. Then he stretched his tall frame onto the chair, which accommodated his size well.
"All right," Angela began, her tone brisk and professional as she prepped her materials, "I'll be using a special plaster that's designed to capture every detail without causing any discomfort. It's different from what we've used before. It'll feel cool at first, but it'll warm up quickly."
Holden nodded, his curiosity piqued by the clinical detachment with which she approached the task. He watched her mix the concoction, noting the meticulous care she took in measuring and stirring. It was like watching an alchemist at work, he mused. Except the gold she sought to transmute was the intimate essence of female pleasure.
When she turned back to him, ready to apply the mold, her eyes tilted to the side as she took in his naked form. He was used to being ogled, to the hungry gazes that undressed him even when he was bare. Angela’s eyes, dark and probing, didn’t just wander over his form—they delved into him, seeking the map to his buried treasures of pleasure.
"Interesting," she murmured, more to herself than to him, as her gaze flickered not with lust but with the precision of a craftsman eyeing a fine piece of marble.
He was unused to this kind of scrutiny, one that wasn't clouded by desire but rather sharpened by curiosity. It was disconcerting, yet tantalizing, how she seemed to strip down his layers without ever laying a finger on him.
"Never had a woman look at me quite like you do, Angela," he said, his voice a low hum that vibrated through the clinical coolness of the lab.
"My apologies, Holden. I'm thinking about another project."
With swift, sure movements, Angela coated his erect member with a lubricant, her touch impersonal yet somehow charged with an undercurrent of intimacy. Holden focused on the cold sensation of the plaster as it enveloped him. His erection was there, but not a part of him. People joked that men had a big head and a little head. He'd learned to dissociate the two after his second adult film.
"Keep your mind on something that'll help you maintain your erection," she advised, her gaze not leaving her work.
"Trust me, that's not going to be a problem. Tell me about your other project. Is it another dildo?"
There was surprise in her gaze. Her lips pursed, hesitant. Holden wracked his brain on how to seduce her words out of her. He'd never had to do that before. Moans, sure. But not words.
"It's a cock ring."
"I’m familiar with the device." Of course he was. He'd tried a scene with a Domme before. He'd had a good time, but it hadn't sold as well when he played the role of the dominant partner.
"Are we trying that out today?" he asked.
Angela glanced at a prototype at the corner of her work table, a flash of something unreadable crossing her face. "No, that's still in the experimental phase. Let's focus on getting this final mold right."
She'd been working on the mold throughout the whole conversation. As per usual lately, Holden hadn't noticed what was going on with his cock. He was far too in his head. Just like she was all in her head. He wanted that brain paying attention to him.
"Not a lot of the toy industry pays attention to male pleasure."
"I know," she said. "I'm planning to change that."