"Hey." Holden's voice was a gravelly whisper, the one word heavy with something Angela couldn't quite place.

"Hi," she replied, her heart beating a cautious staccato. "Everything okay?"

She watched as he pushed away from the bench, his movements deliberate yet tinged with a vulnerability that was foreign on his strong frame.

"No... it's not." Holden's jaw tensed, the muscles working beneath the stubble that always seemed perpetually at the perfect length. "It's Kendra."

That particular storm cloud in the form of a woman was the last person she expected to be a topic of conversation. Holden took a step closer, the heat from his body doing little to thaw the sudden coldness that enveloped Angela's heart.

"She has something... a video." His eyes dropped to the floor as if the weight of his next words could no longer be supported by mere glances. "Thevideo."

"Thevideo?" Angela's hand flew to her mouth, her fingertips pressing against her lips as if to keep them from trembling. "Of us?"

Nodding, Holden looked back up, his gaze imploring her to understand without him saying it all. "And she's using it to... she wants me to do hardcore videos with her. It's the only way I can think of to protect you, to keep this from blowing up and..."

"Protect my reputation?" Angela managed to find her voice, though it sounded distant and frail to her own ears.

"Exactly." Holden's hands, those strong and capable instruments that had explored every inch of her, were now clenched into fists at his sides. "I don't want this to ruin everything you've worked for, Angela. You deserve the stars, not this... mess."

"Damn it," she hissed under her breath, feeling the weight of the situation bear down on her like a physical force. The thought of that video—intimate moments meant for them alone—becoming public fodder sent a shiver of revulsion through her. The fear of losing everything she had worked so hard for clawed at her insides, threatening to tear through her composed exterior.

Her career, her reputation—everything was at stake. Angela knew all too well how unforgiving the world could be, especially toward a woman who dared to explore her desires. She could already hear the hushed whispers and judgmental sneers, envisioning the condescending looks from her colleagues.

"So what? I just let you sacrifice yourself on the altar of my good name?" The dilemma seemed cruel, a choice between her own values and the vicious appetites of a society all too eager to devour the scandalous lives of others.

Holden's jaw tightened, the lines of his face hardening. "Yeah."

"Even if it means watching you with her?" The words slipped out more accusatory than she intended, but they hung in the air, an undeniable truth that neither could ignore.


"Well, fuck that."


"There has to be another way."

The idea of confrontation, of fighting back against Kendra's blackmail, was daunting—yet the alternative was unthinkable. She couldn't stand idly by while Holden fell on his sword for her sake. Angela was no stranger to adversity, having faced her family's disapproval head-on when she chose this path. Could she now, in the face of this new threat, muster the courage to fight once more?

"We're not going to let her win," she declared, the fire of determination lighting up her dark eyes. "Whatever it takes, we'll face it together."


That was not part of the plan. But with Angela's declaration, there was no way that Holden could go back to his original idea of letting Angela go so that the tape had less value for Kendra. Angela had too much value for Holden.

For the second time today, his boots echoed across the empty soundstage as he strode toward the set. The heavy scent of musk and latex hung thick in the air, mingling with the faint odor of antiseptic cleaner. Each step felt like a descent into a lurid world he was no longer sure he belonged to.

"Ready for your close-up, Mr. Tighe?"

Kendra sat in nothing but a satin robe. Holden knew she was naked beneath it. Her body thrilled thousands. It did nothing for him.

"How did the nerd take it when you broke up with her?"

"I didn't break up with her. She's hiring a lawyer as we speak. You came into my house and stole my property. That could put your pretty ass in jail."

Storm clouds struck in Kendra's cold eyes. "If my exquisite ass lands in jail, it won't be before I press a button that ruins your girlfriend's life and career."

"Blackmail isn't really your style," he challenged.