"I want to create a space where intimacy is genuine, where there's more heat in a glance than in a gratuitous close-up."
"Like what we did last night?"
He glanced up at her, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Exactly like what we did last night. But that was just for us. Our… genuine intimacy."
"It was that; intimate and genuine," Angela echoed, the words rolling off her tongue like a secret promise. Her body hummed with an awareness that went beyond the physical draw she felt for him. There was a depth to Holden she hadn't expected that drew her in as surely as his sexual prowess had the night before.
Angela traced the rim of her coffee cup, gathering the courage to let Holden see a part of her she'd kept concealed. "Can I tell you something?"
"Anything," Holden replied without missing a beat, turning to face her with eyes that held no judgment, only interest.
"My parents..." She swallowed, feeling the weight of their disapproval like a shackle around her ankles. "They don't exactly brag about what I do for a living. “Oh, our daughter? She makes... adult playthings." Angela's attempt at humor fell flat, her smile wobbling as she gazed down into the black abyss of her coffee.
"Angela, look at me." Holden tilted her chin up gently, urging her to meet his gaze. "You are brilliant—do you know that? Your work is revolutionary. You're exploring uncharted territories of pleasure, breaking taboos. That's something to be proud of."
Angela's heart thrummed a wild rhythm against her ribs as he spoke. His reassurances wrapped around her, soothing the sting of years of doubt.
"Your toys... they bring joy, release, and comfort to people. That's important. Hell, it's essential," he continued, his voice deep and fervent. "And if your parents can't see that, then they'rethe ones missing out on how extraordinary their daughter truly is."
The glint in his eye sparked a desire in Angela that went beyond physical; it was an intimacy of the mind, a connection that danced along her nerves like fingertips on bare skin. She felt seen—truly seen—and not just for the curves of her body or the ideas in her head, but for the complex, imperfect, passionate woman she was.
"Thank you, Holden," she said, her voice steady now, emboldened by his belief in her. "That means more to me than you know."
"Anytime," he replied, leaning in close enough that she could feel the heat of his body. "Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold. You're going to need your strength for what I plan to do to you before lunch."
His directive was laced with a hint of command that sent a thrill straight to her core. As Angela took a bite of the fluffy pancake, she couldn't help but wonder how many other commands she'd gladly follow if they came from Holden Tighe's lips.
The sudden banging against the door jarred Angela from her reverie, the remains of pancake halfway to her mouth. She turned just in time to see a blonde tornado whirl into the room, her sharp blue gaze locking on to Angela with an intensity that could curdle milk.
"Didn't know you started bringing your work home with you, Tighe."
"What are you doing here, Kendra?"
"Here for my last box," Kendra announced, tossing her hair over her shoulder in a practiced move that spoke volumes of her self-assuredness.
"Bedroom," Holden replied curtly, jerking his head toward the hallway.
As Kendra sauntered off, hips swaying with a confidence that felt almost confrontational, Angela's curiosity couldn't be contained. "Friend of yours?"
"Former co-star," Holden corrected. "And I emphasizeformerbecause I'm done with being a porn star. She kept some stuff here. She didn't live here."
"It's not my business."
"It is your business. She's a past sexual partner. Since you're my current and only partner, it is your business. Just know that fucking her was only ever business. And now I'm out."
Angela's eyebrows rose, intrigued by the finality in his voice. She watched as he set the plate down, his muscular form moving with a grace that seemed almost incongruous with his declaration. "You're serious about this?"
"Dead serious." There was a fire in his eyes now, something passionate and raw that drew her in. "I want to start directing—films that focus on women's pleasure, on empowerment."
"I meant about me being your current only partner. But directing sounds good too."
There was a flash in his gaze—a yearning for validation that mirrored her own insecurities. "You think I can do it?"
"Absolutely," Angela affirmed. "You've got the vision and the drive. You're going to change the game."
Holden rounded the corner. He came to stand between her legs as she sat on the stool. He bent to take her lips. It was another of those sweet kisses that had no business on a porn set.
"Good luck with your little project, Tighe," Kendra snorted. She took another look at Angela but just as quickly dismissed her. With a toss of her hair over her shoulder and a laugh that didn't quite reach her eyes, she was gone.