Page 36 of Mastered By Desire

I catch my balance and hers, but my heart pounds. I hold her close in my arms, my free hand resting on her hips.

She has to notice how hard I am against her.

“Now you’ve done it,” I say.

“Done what?”

“You want your panties back, little girl?” I use Gage’s pet name for her—it falls naturally from my lips.

“Yes.” She makes another wild reach for them, pressing against me and laughing.

When her blue gaze crashes into mine, her laughter stops. Her pupils dilate. Her plump lips part on an exhale.

My voice dips low. I can’t stop staring at her lips. “Are you sure you want them?”

She nods. Mouths the wordyes.

I take her chin in my free hand. “Then open wide.”


I lower my voice even more. It’s subterranean, burning like the earth’s core. This is where the darkness comes in, the part of me I keep on a tight leash. “You heard me.”

She blinks those beautiful baby blues. Her body goes soft against mine, pliant, and she parts her lips.

Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I slowly feed the fabric into her mouth.

When she starts to close her eyes, I shake my head.

“Eye contact, baby girl.”

She makes a soft, desperate sound in the back of her throat.

“Did you like that power exchange at the club?” I ask.

She nods.

“Me too. We’re going to do that again, but different. Sit down, fold your hands over your lap.”

She quickly complies.

I sit next to her and unpauseAcademy of Ghosts.

She shoots me a questioning look.

Rather than explain, I say, “Your mouth is full, so I won’t hear your safe word. Tap my leg once if you want me to check in. Tap it twice if you want to stop entirely. I want to do breath play with you.”

Her blue eyes go wide. Surprise? Fear?

I trace her lips around the fabric. “It’s a little game of trust.”

I pause, waiting for a leg tap, but she only grins at me despite the panties in her mouth. She trusts me. I vow to myself, right here and now, that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her trust.

“Watch the show,” I say.

She directs her gaze to the screen. She’s nearing the end of Season One already.

“You’ve been watching this without me,” I say in mock disappointment.