Page 9 of Mastered By Desire

Using my free hand to lightly cup Dmitri’s balls, I swirl my tongue over his crown. I no longer have to worry about who comes when, because I won’t be getting my release. It’s easier to focus on his pleasure now, and if this is the only time I’m going to have him in my mouth, I want it to be amazing. I want this to be a night he will never forget.

I suck harder and faster.



Dmitri comes with a bellow. His tangy release shoots over my tongue. I gulp it down, holding him in my mouth until he pulls out.

He stares down at me for a long moment.

All I can do is stare back.

What have we done? Will our friendship be changed forever?

“Over here, baby girl,” Gage says, patting his lap.

I sway when I stand up. Dmitri helps steady me. He looks like I feel—like the earth tilted sideways and we don’t know which way is up.

Also, I think I’m going to die if I don’t come soon.

I make my shaky way over to Gage.

“Right here on my lap,” Gage says.

Hesitating, I look down at his pristine black trousers. At some point, he put his cock back and fastened his pants again. He wants me to sit on his lap, like this?

“I’m wet, Sir.”

“Yes, and you’re going to spread your juices all over my pants.”

“I—I am?” It sounds gross. He can’t really want that.

He nods. “That’s how you’re going to come, sweetheart.”

Oh, well, if it involves an orgasm for me, I definitely want to take it.

“Are you going to fuck me?” I ask.

With a tsk, he says, “You did great tonight, baby girl, but you haven’t earned my cock yet.”

Well, he seems to think quite highly of himself.

Whatever. I can get off by humping his leg, fine.

I settle myself onto his lap before realizing I’ll have a better angle for my clit if I straddle only one of his legs. He grins as I readjust. I brace myself with my hands on his shoulders before giving an experimental slide back and forth. The movement causes me to shudder. The friction of his pants fabric is perfect.

“Dmitri, I want you right here at my shoulder so you can watch,” Gage says.

An inscrutable expression crosses Dmitri’s face as he gets into position. Now I’m facing both of them.

“All right, Miss L,” Gage says with a smirk, “go ahead and come. Take your pleasure.”

I rock forward again, making sure my clit drags against him.Yes. Heat travels through my body and centers at my core. I tighten my muscles and rock again. I’m embarrassed to be using his leg like this.

I think that’s exactly what he enjoys—my embarrassment.

His pants are getting soaked with my arousal. My face is hot and I don’t want to meet his eyes, or Dmitri’s.