Emma's eyes soften. "Or join the military like their brave daddy did."
"As long as they're happy," I say, meaning it. "That's all I want. Better than what I had growing up."
"Max..." She touches my face gently. "You turned out pretty amazing without parents showing you the way. Imagine how great our kid will be with both of us loving them."
"And spoiling them," I add. "Though we should probably agree on food rules now. No sugar before bed?"
"Says the man who keeps emergency candy bars in his turnout gear."
"That's different! Fighting fires burns calories."
She laughs, the sound warming my chest.
"Fine. But healthy breakfasts are non-negotiable. And they have to try vegetables at least once."
"Deal." I kiss her forehead. "What about holidays? Your family or the station?"
"Both," she decides. "Christmas morning at home, lunch with my family, dinner with your crew. They're family too."
The way she includes my firefighter brothers without hesitation makes me love her even more.
"You know Chief Luke will insist on being called Grandpa."
"Better than what Aunt Linda will want to be called. Probably something fancy like 'Grand-mère'."
We both crack up at that. When the laughter fades, Emma's expression turns thoughtful.
"What are you thinking about?" I ask.
"Just... everything. How different our lives will be in a few months. Doctor appointments, birthing classes, building a nursery..."
"Converting my man cave into a baby room," I add dramatically.
She swats my chest. "You don't even have a man cave."
"I could have gotten one! Now, we'll never know."
"Poor baby," she says mockingly. "Having to give up your imaginary room for our actual baby."
I capture her lips in a tender kiss.
"Worth it. All of it. Every single change coming our way? Worth it for you and our little one."
"Even the midnight feedings?"
"Even those. Though you might have to wake me up. I sleep like the dead after long shifts."
"I know." She yawns, curling closer. "We should probably get some rest. Tomorrow we need to start planning everything."
"Doctor appointments, prenatal vitamins, telling my students I'm going to get fat..."
I tighten my arms around her.
"You're going to get beautiful. More beautiful."
Her answering smile is sleepy but radiant.