I leaned forward, my brow furrowing. “What did the note say?”

“Just two words: ‘Tick Tock.’”

“What the hell does that even mean?” I snapped. My mind raced, trying to piece together these cryptic messages. “I don’t have time to figure out his fucking riddles.”

“It feels like a warning. Time’s running out or something.”

“This time, he took the shipment. At least the first hit, they only attempted to take it. Now they’re getting ballsier,” Matteo added.

Whoever the hell this Puppet Master was would regret stealing from me when I ripped his fucking spine out and fed it to his family.

Lucas, who had been pacing, spoke up. “I’m getting sick and tired of him pulling the strings, and we’re the puppets in our own damn territory.”

Lo said, “We’ve got to tighten security, Nico. Maybe change up the routes.”

“Fucking shit,” I muttered, taking another deep gulp of coffee as if it could soothe the brewing storm inside me. “We can’t just put out a feeler without raising alarms, Lo.”

Matteo nodded. “If he can attack us like this, he’s either got internal connections or...”

“Or he knows exactly what we’re doing,” I finished, my tone darkening. “Which means we have a mole.” With all my might, I threw the cup against the wall, the ceramic pieces scattering and the coffee dripping down the wall. “I want to tighten up security, check every single person who works under me.”

“Agreed,” Matteo said firmly. “But it’ll take time to filter through the ranks, Nico. Every shipment that goes down is money down the drain.”

“Yeah, but it’s the first time it’s been this blatant,” I replied, gripping the edge of the counter. “I want every single one of our delivery guys checked again. If there’s a mole, I want to find them before they do more damage.”

Lo glanced at me. “Let us handle the details while you?—”

“I won’t sit back while my men are torn to shreds and my shipments are being taken from us!” I shot back, my temper flaring. “Every time we lose a shipment, it’s not just the product we’re losing. It’s money, power, respect.”

“Right,” Luca said, nodding in agreement. “I’ll go through the list of drivers and suppliers again. Check who has been a little too chatty lately.”

“Make the calls, find the rat, and let’s get our shipment back. I want answers. Use all force necessary to get them to talk.”

Before any of them could respond, a sharp “Ahem” echoed through the room. I whipped my head toward the sound, ready to lay into whoever dared to interrupt us.

And then I saw Mya, arms crossed, amusement glimmering in her eyes.

I opened my mouth to rebuke her, but my gaze shifted past her, landing on a sight that knocked the wind out of me.



I stood beneath the cascade of water, letting it wash over me, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts about what Nico had done. Sure, he was a psychotic sex god, but he also brought my favorite brand of shampoo and body wash. He even knew the type of tampons I used. Plus, he bought me a soft toothbrush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth. How on earth did he know I used these items?

I winced as the water stung the cuts on my legs and elbow from when Nico tossed me around like a rag doll. It felt like I’d been tackled by a linebacker.

After shutting off the water, I stepped out of the shower, droplets trailing down my back, and slipped into the clothes Nico had laid out for me. The dark jeans hugged me a bit snugly but were surprisingly comfortable, and the bohemian floral print V-neck felt like it had been designed just for me. The small tan heel boots added height, making me feel a little more confident, even amidst the chaos

As I opened the bathroom door, I was greeted by Nico’s dog, who was sitting patiently outside. His tail wagged furiously when he spotted me, and he bounded to his feet, tongue lolling out in a goofy grin.

“You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?” I cooed, and he whined in delight when I pet his black coat. I straightened up, and he trotted toward the door, glancing back at me like he was saying, “Come on, let’s go!”

When I hesitated, he came back, gently nibbling at my shirt, urging me to follow.

“Okay, okay! I need to grab my things first,” I said, half-laughing, as if he could understand every word.

I searched for my phone and found it plugged in and charging by the nightstand. A quick glance at the screen revealed a few missed texts from Tabi and Liam.