“Did you get a license plate?” I asked Luca.

Luca shook his head, his brow furrowing. “There wasn’t one, boss. Just a plain old truck.”

“Are you kidding me?” I pounded my closed fist onto the desk. “So let me get this straight. A random deli truck shows up, drops off a box, and not one fucker thinks to question it?”

Matteo finally broke his silence, his voice laced with exasperation. “We need to track down this asshole before shit really gets out of control.”

“What’s the next move, then?” I asked.

Luca straightened, determination flickering in his eyes. “We can dig into the delivery records and determine who made that drop. I can run a trace on the truck, track its route, and see if we can pull any names. And if it turns out to be connected to him…” His voice trailed off.

I nodded slowly. “Alright, let’s get moving on that.”

“I’ll handle the guards and make sure they’re on alert, including at the club,” Lo added.

“Good,” I replied, my tone sharp. “I want an ear to the ground, and I want it yesterday.”

They filed out of the room, leaving me alone in the office. Moments later, the silence pressed around me like a thick fog. I opened my desk drawer and took out a cigar and lighter. Holding the cigar to my lips, I struck the lighter, the dancing flame creating shadows on the walls.

I took a deep drag as I contemplated the mess left by a single box, a box that threatened to unravel everything I’d fought to build.

I needed my Winter fix. She was the only one who could calm the beast within me.


I looked in the mirror and grimaced at the sticky pink crap covering my entire head. That’s what happened when you forgot to keep the cover on the blender.

I stepped into the shower and washed the pink shake down the drain. When my skin became pruney, I grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body. Wiping the fogged mirror, I brushed the knots out of my hair. My gaze drifted down to the massive hickey on my breast and the cut that was still an angry red on my upper thigh.

My fingers brushed against my lips, recalling the sensation and flavor of his kisses. A touch of rich whiskey and fresh mint gum lingered. I forced myself to shake the thoughts away when I felt heat rising in my cheeks.

I slipped into my pajamas, preparing for a night in, before I heard a knock on the front door.

Another persistent knock followed. I stood on my tiptoes and peeked through the peephole. “No way,” I whispered to myself.

What was he doing here?

“Are you going to let me stand out here forever?” His deep voice from behind the door rumbled through me.

I didn’t say a word and stepped back, biting my lower lip.

I heard him release a deep frustrated sigh. “Open the door, Winter. I know you’re standing behind it. I can see your shadow underneath the door.”

Excitement swelled within me at seeing him here at my place. I hesitantly opened the door but kept the chain in place so it only opened halfway. My heart beat fast against my chest like the roadrunner when I saw Nico leaning against the doorframe with both hands tucked into his pockets.

“Hey,” he said in a smooth and sexy tone.

“Hi,” I said quietly.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

Not demanded but asked.

“Um, yeah.” I unhooked the chain and opened the door wider for him to enter.

He stepped inside, his eyes narrowing as they swept over my body from head to toe. “What the fuck are you wearing?”
