My hands flew over my mouth, holding in a scream.
The bartender’s low cries filled the air as his wrist hung at an unnatural angle.
“Oh, my God! You broke his wrist,” I gasped in horror, taking a step back.
Nico adjusted his tie, and his cold gaze, devoid of remorse, met mine. “What the fuck do you think? He was going to touch you.”
“But he didn’t,” I argued. I scanned the room, desperate to find someone who could intervene, but everyone carried on like this was normal. “I was the one who touched him.”
Nico’s eyes blazed with fury, his nostrils flared, and his jaw ticked as if he was on the verge of exploding. “Exactly. And that will be the last time you will ever touch another man.”
“This is ridiculous. You’re ridiculous,” I told him, shaking my head, and turned to the bartender. He remained in the same spot, covering his face with the bend of one arm while gripping his broken wrist.
My heart ached for him. “Nico, please,” I whispered. “Let him go. He needs a doctor.”
“Then stop playing fucking games and I won’t have to kill him or anyone else who dares to look at you like you’re their next fix.”
My head snapped up at his deadly promise, and I found myself searching his face, those beautiful hard lines, for any sign that he might be joking. But there were none. Then my eyes fell on the bartender, an innocent bystander, and I realized with a jolt that Nico would do it. He’d hurt someone just to prove a point, to show who was in control.
“Now that I have your attention,” Nico said, snapping me out of my daze, “Walk. Women’s bathroom. Now.”
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. What the hell was he going to do to me? Maybe if I kicked him in the dick, it would give me enough time to run like hell.
“I can hear your thoughts from here. I suggest you listen to me and don’t run. I’ll catch you every time.”
I stared at him, feeling something—a pull, a desire—to be near him despite his overbearing ways.
Fuck me, this woman.
My little angel enjoyed testing my patience.
The moment she touched him, my lungs were burning, and I struggled to breathe. I’d never reacted this way toward any woman.
Winter wreaked havoc on my heart, and I couldn’t seem to do shit about it.
Maybe I could end this torment by taking her life to get rid of these emotions that consumed me and distract me from doing my job. But then again, I couldn’t live in a world where she didn’t exist.
I watched as she walked through the room and down the hall toward the bathroom. I wrenched my gaze away and fixed my eyes on the bartender. “Leave,” I snarled with a jerk of my head toward the exit.
Without saying a word, he rushed out. I walked behind the bar and poured myself a drink. Lifting the glass to my lips, I swallowed, loving its harsh burn down my throat.
My men watched me with cautious expressions, and I gave them a terse nod, letting them know I was fine and to carry on. Miguel came to the bar. “You good, boss?”
“Yeah.” I exhaled sharply and took another drink. “I’ll be right back.” Slamming the glass down, I pushed past him and stormed down the hall to the women’s bathroom.
Right when I reached the hall with the bathrooms, I glanced over my shoulder at Miguel. “Don’t let anyone come in or out of this bathroom.”
I pushed the door open and locked it behind me. My heart rattled in my chest as I stared at my angel standing in front of the mirror and resting her hands on the sink counter. She was looking right at me in the mirror, making my dick twitch.
I took menacing steps toward her until my chest was against her back. She swallowed. A smile slowly spread across my face.
She was so tiny that her head only came up to the middle of my chest.
We stared at each other, and I was pulled into her alluring golden eyes. She had a small mole on the bottom corner of her mouth, and faint freckles on her nose. Her cupid’s bow lips were pink with gloss and begging to be kissed. I closed my eyes and inhaled her sweet rose scent.