“I can see that,” I muttered.
She made herself comfortable by sitting on a chair, her legs crossed and her arms draped over the armrests.
She looked like a queen.
“How are you?” Mya asked.
“Fine,” I responded.
“To answer your question, I was just checking in. Seeing how you’re holding up after your run-in with Nico the other night.”
My fists clenched involuntarily. “Like I said, I’m fine.”
“I call bullshit. Word around is you mouthed off to him pretty good.”
I said nothing because Mya wasn’t wrong. I usually kept my head down, didn’t draw unnecessary attention. But something about Nico pushed all my buttons. Still, I knew by the murderous look on his face that provoking him had been a mistake.
Mya looked me over carefully. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
I shook my head. “No.” But it was close, I wanted to add but didn’t.
Mya sighed. “Winter, you can’t poke the bear like that. Nico may be reckless, but he’s not stupid. Next time, he won’t let you walk away so easily.”
“I know,” I sighed. “It’s just...he gets under my skin.” And turns me on at the same time. That was what pissed me off the most.
Mya’s expression softened. “I understand. But you need to learn to pick your battles more carefully. Play nice with Nico from now on.”
I nodded slowly, a knot tightening in my gut. As much as I hated to admit it, Mya was right. I couldn’t keep antagonizing Nico; he was too powerful. His wrath would be devastating.
“I understand,” I replied quietly.
Mya held my gaze steadily. “See that you do.” Slowly, she got up from her chair and went to the door. Pausing with her hand on the doorknob, she shot me a meaningful look. “I will always look out for my employees.” With a firm click, she closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I sank into an armchair, replaying our conversation in my mind. I knew Mya cared about my well-being in her own tough-love way. But warnings of what Nico could do to me only stoked my curiosity further.
Nico entered the room as I took inventory behind the bar with Justice. I inhaled slowly, taking Nico in as he walked further into the room with an air of power and authority.
Everyone stopped talking and only resumed once Nico gave them all a curt nod, as if telling them to continue. He hadn’t once looked in my direction, and I didn’t know why that bothered me. I mean, the man obviously hated me, but he also enjoyed toying with me, like dangling a bone in front of a dog.
Jesus, even Enzo was afraid to speak to me, and all because Nico apparently had “claimed” me, whatever the hell that meant.
I watched as he casually unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down at the couch with his men surrounding him. I sucked in a breath and tucked my lower lip in when he rested his leg over his other knee. He was the sexiest man I had ever met. And then Davina sat beside him as if she belonged there. Could someone please tell me why that bothered me?
“Stop staring,” Justice whispered in an amused tone.
I glared at him. “Shut up.”
He laughed and went back to stocking the shelves.
“He doesn’t want her,” Justice said as he continued to work.
My head snapped in his direction. “I didn’t say anything.” I raised an eyebrow. And because I couldn’t resist, I asked, “What are you talking about?”
He shook his head. “Davina. They grew up together, and then one day, her body started to change, and he?—”
“Started noticing her,” I finished for him.
He nodded. “He doesn’t have any feelings for her, though.”