Luca stepped forward, his face like stone. "Why didn't you save her and get her out?"
"They would've been killed me on the spot!" he shouted, his voice breaking. "I had to play along, or I never would've been able to warn you. I'm risking my life just by coming here!"
"Where is this warehouse?" I demanded, my finger itching to pull the trigger. Even though my voice was calm, my heart was breaking from the pain of losing Winter and thoughts of what they could be doing to her.
"I don’t know," he whimpered. “I was blindfolded, remember, but I can describe it?—”
I backhanded him with the gun, the crack of the metal against his skull satisfying. He cried out, clutching his bleeding head.
"You listen to me, motherfucker," I snarled, stepping closer until I was toe to toe with him. “I lost several of my men, my best friend's sister was fucking shot in the chest, my mother’s dead because someone blew a fucking hole in my basement, and now my girl is missing!”
"I'm telling you the truth!” he repeated.
Grabbing him by the collar, I slammed him against the wall and placed my gun near his heart. “This what you are going to do," I hissed. "You are going to do whatever you can to get me that warehouse’s address, or I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“Wait, you don’t believe him, do you?” Lo said as he glared at Liam with red-rimmed eyes. “For all we know, this could be a setup, and the fucker sent him to ambush us.”
I turned back to Liam, my eyes narrowing. "My brother makes a good point. You better start talking fast."
Liam shook his head. "I swear, Nico, I am not setting you up!" he pleaded. "I didn’t know that any of this fucked up shit was happening. Please, you have to believe me!"
“He’s telling the truth,” Enzo spoke up. I let Liam go and shoved him until he slid down onto his ass. I turned to face Enzo, sitting up with a sling on his right arm as the doctor put his supplies away.
"What are you talking about?"
Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes steady on mine. "Because I'm an undercover FBI agent with RICO. I've been watching Mayor Walsh for years."
The fucking FBI?
"You son of a bitch!" Luca spat. "You've been spying on us?!"
“You’re the mole, aren’t you?” Lo asked quietly.
“No. Our team has been trying to expose Walsh for the last five years but could never get close enough until...”
“Until what?” I asked.
"Until I was assigned to work for you.”
The room fell silent as his words sank in.
"You’ve been betraying me this whole fucking time," I whispered, the weight of his deception hitting me like a ton of bricks.
"You gotta be shitting me," Luca exclaimed.
Lo’s voice dripped with sarcasm as he said, "Well, you did a fucktastic job there, didn't you? She's as good as dead now!"
I involuntarily flinched at the sharpness of his words, their impact striking me like a bullet to my chest.
Enzo's eyes flashed with fury. "And you think you could've done better since you were the ones who threw her in the basement? I don’t know what connection Winter has in all of this.”
The shrill ring of Enzo's phone cut through my torment, making me snap to attention. Gun in hand, I fixed my gaze on him. "It's my team. Gotta answer this." I nodded, the gun still steady on him.
After a brief pause, Enzo said, "I have the mayor’s location."
"We're moving," I barked at my men. Nothing was getting in my way of getting my angel back.
Enzo held up a hand. "Hold on! You can’t go in the warehouse half-cocked when it’s filled with heavily guarded men. That's suicide! We need backup."