“Nico! Please. You love me.” Her raw and desperate voice was like a blade, shredding bits of my soul. “You love me,” she repeated, her voice breaking as if just the act of saying it was tearing her apart.
I inhaled deeply, my chest tightening as I shut my eyes to block out the fucked-up emotions that were spinning inside me like a tornado. Her anguish tugged at me, bringing back memories of stolen kisses and the times we spent playing music together. But I couldn't afford to look at her. If I did, I'd crumble, and the urge to break her free from this nightmare would drown me. I could not afford to be weak. It was more than just about me; it was about my family and the entire business.
“A devil never falls in love,” I spat out.
I had to convince myself that this was the only path forward, the only way to safeguard what was mine—even if it meant letting my angel go.
I walked up the stairs and out of the basement so I’d be unable to hear Winter’s cries. My soul ached from hearing the pain in her pleas. I pressed my palm to my heart to keep it from bursting out of my chest.
My mother intercepted me near my office, her hand flying out and slapping me across the face.
“How could you?!” she screamed. “You’re hurting the girl you claim to love without even knowing the truth!”
“I love you, Mother, but don’t ever lay a hand on me again,” I said, my warning laced with anger as I pushed past her, needing a fucking drink. “And I’m not torturing her.”
“What do you call tying up a defenseless woman in a chair and in a cold basement without food or water?”
When I didn’t respond, she continued her verbal assault. “Why? Are you going to torture me too?” she taunted, her footsteps echoing behind me like a relentless shadow.
“Stay out of it, Mother!” I shot back, stealing a glance at her. Her eyes widened in shock, then narrowed into a mask of disappointment. “You are not your father!”
I ignored her, bursting into my office and heading straight for the bar. I poured myself a drink from the bottle of whiskey.
“Nico, you have to realize she could have been set up! Have you even considered that? Or is your past fucking with your head?” My mother’s words echoed in my ears.
“She lied to me! Me!” I bellowed, furious and hurt.
“This world is unpredictable, full of dark secrets. Don’t let your anger blind you to the truth. You will never forgive yourself if you lose her. Trust me, she’ll never forgive you.”
Her parting words hit me like a punch to the gut as she left.
A few moments later, Lo entered. “I believe her, Nico,” Lo told me.
“Why?” I asked, my tone void of any feeling.
Before he could respond, shouts erupted outside.
“What the hell is that?” Lo asked just as a deafening explosion rocked the house, sending us crashing to the floor.
“We’re under attack!” Miguel roared from outside the door, followed by sporadic bursts of gunfire.
I heard my name, but it sounded muffled, and then I saw Miguel, Matteo, and Luca standing above me.
"Nico! Get up!” Matteo shouted, his hands gripping my shoulders, pulling me to my feet. I swatted him away, rolling onto my side, forcing myself up onto my hands and knees. I swayed, trying to regain my bearings while the ringing in my ears subsided.
“What the fuck just happened?” I yelled.
“Someone blew up the front gate and is pushing to get in,” Luca reported, his eyes glued to the security monitors.
“Lock the house down,” I commanded Miguel, who nodded.
Gunfire shot off again outside, but the bulletproof windows gave us an edge. We could take them down from here.
“Are they surrounding the house?” I asked Luca, moving toward my safe to retrieve my weapons.
“Not from what I can see, but our men are getting slaughtered. We need to help them.”
“Let’s go!” I snapped, striding toward the door.