“What do you want, Lana.” His words were clipped.

I glanced over my shoulder and wished I hadn’t because she looked at Nico as if he was her next meal.

That was oddly inappropriate.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had company,” she said, and then took a step forward.

“Stop where you are,” Nico demanded. She complied, looking hurt and confused.

“You asked me for a...” She looked down at his pants and licked her lips seductively. “Favor. I’ve come to offer my services.”

Oh, okay. Wow.

Correct me if I was wrong, but I was assuming this was code for sexual favor. I might have been new at this, but it sounded like Lana and Nico had a little side thing going on, and I didn’t want any part of it.

My heart sank, and I wanted to scream and cry, but I didn’t. I turned back to Nico, who was now staring at me as if daring me not to leave. Well, tough shit. I was not staying here for this.

“I think I’m going to go,” I said, and Nico’s lips drew into a thin line.

“No, you are not leaving.”

I started to spin on my heels when he gripped my arm. “Ow,” I whispered, trying to yank myself free, but he just tightened his grasp.

“Lana, I suggest you get the fuck out of my house,” he said to her but kept his eyes trained on me.


“Enough!” Nico interrupted her. “Leave. Now,” he snarled and continued to tighten his grip.

“Nico, you’re hurting me,” I pleaded in a whisper, and when he looked down at me, his eyes softened. He released me but then wrapped his hand around my neck, pulling me in.

“I’ll handle her, but you will not leave. Go wait up in my room. You remember the way.” He placed a hard kiss on my lips and backed away. “Go.”

I walked past Lana without looking in her direction, but I could sense her body trembling in fear. I stood in the hallway, staring at the lavish staircase and then the front door. I was planning my escape. When I looked over my shoulder, I was glad to see I was no longer in his view.

I was so freaking confused.

The man was a mafia king.

A murderer.

A drug dealer.

But I wanted him more than my favorite chocolate bar.

This was my chance to get the hell out of here. Maybe I should take it and move somewhere else. I needed to get a hold of Uncle Malick and see if he could send me to a different state. Maybe a small down in Oregon or Colorado. I’d always wanted to go out west. Just as I was taking a few quiet steps toward the front door like a thief in the night, Enzo stopped me.

“Winter? Are you leaving?”

I turned to him and nodded.

“Does the boss know that?”

I lied with a blink and a nod. And, of course, he didn’t buy it. His facial expression softened in understanding. “What happened?” he asked me.

“What makes you think something is wrong?” I whispered, trying not to draw Nico’s attention to my escape. Enzo took a few steps closer and smiled. “Because I know how much he cares about you, and you about him. Why are you trying to sneak out? Did the fucker do something?” His tone hardened and his eyes narrowed.

I shook my head. “No, it’s just...” I sighed. “Lana.”