Nico took my hand once more, leading me into the kitchen, where his family, including Luca, Mya, Aurelio, and Matteo, were present.

Mya stood abruptly and pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m so fucking glad you’re still breathing. And I am so sorry,” she murmured, her voice trembling. When she stepped back, I could see the glistening tears in her eyes.

“Oh, Mya,” I whispered, but she cut me off.

“Don’t worry about me, girl. Just take care of you.”

She gave my arm a gentle squeeze before returning to the table, where she sat beside her son. Luca looked up, amusement dancing in his gaze as he glanced between Nico and me.

“Shut up,” Nico told him.

Luca laughed, but then turned to me, his expression shifting to something more serious. “It’s nice to see you smile again, Winter.”

Nico pulled out a chair for me to sit, and like an obedient child, I did. Mya’s son stuffed his face with his pancakes, and Lo read the back of the cereal box while Nico filled my plate with a pancake shaped like a dinosaur and a few slices of bacon and poured me a glass of orange juice. He set the plate and glass in front of me and kissed my forehead. “Eat.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks as he sat beside me and brushed his leg against mine.

When I looked up, I caught Serafina’s gaze. She watched us with a tender expression, and her smile brightened.

For the past week, I’d been relentlessly applying for every job I could find. It was maddening. I honestly thought Nico would be okay with me not working at the club after what happened, but now it felt like he’d put me in a cage. I couldn’t even get a single employer to look my way because he’d practically blacklisted me from every position. How could someone be so intimidating? The internet claimed he was a millionaire due to his vast property investments. While that was believable, the fear he instilled in people was just... bizarre.

Despite all that, he continued to shower me with candy and flowers, his way of trying to soothe my frustrations. It was sweet, but I was still furious. He kept insisting that I return to the club, that nothing would happen again. Finally, I decided to call him.

“Angel,” he answered on the second ring, his deep, rich voice like milk chocolate.

“I need you to stop telling other employers not to hire me,” I demanded.

“No,” he replied, so simply, so confidently.

“No? What do you mean no?”

He sighed that infuriatingly calm sigh. “Just what it means. No.”

Frustration welled up inside me as I began to pace my cramped apartment, my fingers itching to pull my hair out. “Nico, I can’t keep staying home all day, moping around. I’m going crazy.”

I grit my teeth, fighting to keep my composure. “I need to pay bills, buy groceries, and... tampons.” Not to mention my chocolate bars.

“If you need money, I have plenty of it. I told you I would take care of you,” he reminded me with that familiar condescension.

“God, Nico, that is not the point,” I snapped. “I need to get out of my apartment.”

“Whatever you need, my men can get it for you if I am not able to.” he suggested, implying it was the only option.

“No.” I shook my head as if he could see me. “I want to leave the apartment. I need to get out and breathe fresh air.”

“Open a window,” he said.

“Seriously, Nico?” I said in annoyance. “That’s not?—”

“Angel, I have to go. Enzo will take you to my place, and I’ll fuck you all night when I get back. Would that make you feel better? To have that sass fucked out of you?” he jested.

“You ass?—”

“The answer is still no. That’s my final answer.”

I was ready to unleash the tirade brewing inside me when I heard the unmistakable sound of the line disconnecting.

“Did he just hang up on me?” I muttered, staring at my phone in disbelief.