“You mean like you?” I shot back, my tone teasing.

“Yeah, but I’m the best kind of crazy,” he replied. He gave me a mock salute before slipping out the door, the sound of his laughter trailing behind him.

“I’m here!” Tabi burst through the door, the aroma of pumpkin spice wafting in with her.

“Gimme, gimme,” I said, reaching out eagerly. I could already feel the warmth emitting from the cup as I took it from her hands. The steam swirled up, tickling my nose and warming my cheeks. This was one of the things I loved most about fall—pumpkin spice.

“No problem, girlie,” Tabi said as she dropped into the seat beside me.

I sipped my latte, savoring the rich flavor.

When I first met Tabi at Starbucks, I was searching for a job, and living in the big city with very little experience kind of sets you back from finding one. So, she recommended I apply at the strip club she worked at. I was shellshocked that I was offered the position on the spot and asked to work that same night. I hated every minute of it, but the money was good, it kept me hidden.

“Winter.” Tabi’s voice pulled me back from my thoughts. I glanced over, catching her fussing with her cup’s lid. “So, it’s my birthday tomorrow night.”

“Oh, that’s right. Are you doing anything fun?” I asked, taking another sip of my latte.

“Well... I’m going to the Luxe Club.” She peeked at me through her lashes as if gauging my reaction.

My eyes widened in surprise. “You mean the one downtown with the valet service and that endless line? You need an invite to get in, right?” People often said it was nearly impossible to score an invitation unless you worked there or were part of an elite circle.

“That’s the one!” Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement, and she practically danced in her seat. “I know someone who can get us in.”

The Luxe Club was practically legendary, and I heard a single drink cost as much as my monthly grocery bill. I mumbled into my cup, “I don’t know…”

“Oh, come on. It’s my birthday,” she whined, her playful tone shattering through my doubts. “What’s really stopping you?”

“It’s just… not really my scene, Tabi,” I tried to explain, but she waved off my concerns as if they were nothing more than a pesky fly buzzing around her.

“Stop that noise. You’re coming with me, and you are going to have so much fun.”

The thought of stepping into the nightlife scene and dancing sounded both thrilling and terrifying. It’d been far too long since I’d had a girls’ night out and a chance to escape my worries, even for a little while. But Madison’s warning about avoiding unwanted attention to myself echoed in my mind.

“I don’t even have anything fancy to wear,” I replied, my reluctance creeping into my voice.

Tabi’s eyes sparkled even brighter at the challenge. “We’ll make a day of it. Shopping, getting ready, the whole shebang!” She clapped her hands together, and I giggled at her childish reaction.

“Okay, fine,” I relented, and a wide grin spread across her face.

“Yay! This is going to be the best birthday ever!”

A flicker of excitement ignited within me, too. I wonder what the night will bring?

“What do you think of this?” Tabi held out an outfit that looked like it was stolen from Jessica Rabbit.

“Um... it looks... great?” I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

“Really? Because this is what you’ll be wearing tonight,” she said happily.

“No, I’m not.” I laughed at the ridiculous notion.

“What? Why?” She stomped her feet, throwing a full-on toddler tantrum.

“What do you mean, why?” I rose from the bed, snatched the outfit from her, and held it out like it was a live grenade. “Tabi, I’ve never worn anything like this.”

“That’s the whole point, Winter.” She turned back to her closet. While she dug through her clothes, I plopped back onto her bed.

She pulled out another outfit and handed it to me. “Let’s try this one. Maybe this suits you better,” she said.