“Time to pick up the rest of the trash.”
Thirty minutes later, we sat outside of Preston’s house. “Are we doing this or what?” Matteo said from the backseat. They didn’t hesitate to go with me. No one put their hands on any woman in our lives.
Yeah, Winter made the cut.
“Are there any guards?” I asked.
“Nope,” Luca answered. “Just cameras.”
“Let’s go.” We stepped out of the car and walked around the back of the house, hidden behind the shrubs surrounding the iron gate. Like that was going to keep us out.
“We have seven minutes before the cameras turn back on,” Lo explained. We’d be done before then.
We pulled our masks over our faces. Luca, with a gun in hand, was the first to lead us to the back gate that led to the pool house. He turned the doorknob. “It’s clear,” he whispered over his shoulder. Pulling my gun out of my holster, we make our way into the kitchen. Matteo and Lo followed behind, each with a 9mm in hand.
“You two stay here and cover us,” I said to Lo and Luca while Matteo and I crept up the stairs to the door at the end of the hallway. Quietly, I turned the knob and pushed the door open with one hand, the gun in the other aimed right at the fucker in bed. Matteo closed the door and stood guard while I walked toward the piece of shit. I pressed the barrel of the gun against his temple, ready to pull the trigger.
“Wake up, you stupid fuck.” I pressed the gun deeper. His eyes slowly opened and grew wide when he saw me and the gun with the silencer against his face.
“If you scream, I won’t hesitate to pull the fucking trigger,” I said through clenched teeth.
“Who are you?” he stuttered like a pussy.
“Your worst fucking nightmare.” I knocked him out with the gun and pulled a pillowcase over his head. Matteo helped me drag his ass down the stairs, where Luca and Lo were waiting.
“’Bout fucking time,” Luca snarled.
“Shut the fuck up and get the door,” I snapped back.
“Wakey, wakey,” I goaded the fucker slumped in a chair, wearing nothing but his boxers. When he finally came to, his eyes blinked rapidly, like he was trying to comprehend his surroundings.
“Oh, fuck!” Preston groaned and coughed. “Where am I?” His gaze fell upon a nearby corpse. “Jesus!”
“Say hello to your buddy, Will,” Luca stated while pushing a bin on wheels and setting it next to Will’s corpse. “Seems like he couldn’t handle the heat.”
“What the fuck?!” Preston yelled. He struggled against the restraints, but his wrists and ankles were bound tightly.
The two other men were now awake.
I spun the wooden chair around, straddling it. My gun dangled freely in my hands. “Hello, Preston,” I said, a dark smile forming on my lips.
“You are so fucked, you know that?” He spat blood from his mouth like a cocky motherfucker. “My father will end you for this.”
I smirked.
“Think again, asshole. You’re in no position to threaten me.” I delivered a sharp slap, my ringed hand connecting with his cheek.
Maintaining eye contact, I leaned closer and said, “Let me explain something to you, you piece of shit.” I gripped his chin to make him face me. “I don’t give a fuck who your father is. If anything, he should be afraid of what I can do to him and his family, including you.” I emphasized each word so he understood the truth behind what I said.
“If we tell you what you want to hear, will you let us go?” Guy number one asked, blood dripping down his face.
“Sure,” I lied.
“He’s lying,” Preston said. “He’s going to kill us anyway. Let him stew in his shit and don’t say a word.”
“Maybe.” I shrugged.
The room fell silent, as if everyone had collectively held their breath. I scanned the men’s faces, searching for any sign of guilt or knowledge, but their expressions remained stoic.