“Where did you take them?” I snapped at Luca, striding past the guys. I yanked open the fridge and grabbed a beer. Popping the cap off with a bottle opener, I downed half the bottle in one go, but the bitterness did nothing to wash away the shit day.
Luca’s voice was flat, void of emotion. “The old mill.”
The old mill factory hadn’t been used in over twenty years, and it had been left like a rotting corpse, the city never bothering to rebuild it.
I glanced down at the blood on my hands—Winter’s blood. “Who was the preppy fucker?” I asked.
Lo spoke up, his voice quiet. “They’re not talking.”
“The piece of crap wouldn’t say a word,” Luca added, his eyes fixed on his laptop screen. “I’m checking the cameras now.”
My eyes flicked to Matteo, looking like he was about to rip someone in two.
We shared the same rage.
Lo’s eyes went wide. “Oh, shit. The guy... he was with Preston at the charity event. I remember seeing them together.”
I set my beer on the counter and stepped toward the table. “What the fuck did you just say, Lo?”
“Fuck, he’s right,” Luca said. He swiveled the laptop in my direction and pressed the play button. “Watch this right here.” He pointed to the screen, and that was when I saw him.
Preston. Pencil-dick motherfucker.
There he was, the other fucker walking alongside Preston, their heads close together. My fingers curled into fists as I watched them, my jaw clenched. “Fast forward,” I grit out.
Luca nodded, typing rapidly. “Cazzo,” he muttered.
My heart stopped as I saw the fear in their eyes. “What?”
Luca hesitated. “You don’t want to see this, Nico. I’m serious.”
I snatched the laptop from him, my hands shaking, and hit play. The screen came to life, and my breath caught in my throat. It was her. My girl. And that piece of shit was all over her, invading her space. My hands curled around the laptop, my knuckles turning white as I watched, helpless, as he slapped her. Her head snapped back and she fell, crumpling to the ground.
With a roar of rage, I hurled the laptop against the wall, the screen shattering. “FUCK!” The word tore from my throat as I slid down the counter, my legs unable to hold me.
I’d butcher men without remorse and paint their blood on the walls as if it was some fucking piece of art. But this...this was different. My soul laid bare, utterly consumed by rage and anguish.
My men stayed with me and watched their mafia king break apart, waiting for the explosion. My wrath would awaken the demon inside me, summon hell, and unleash my demons to wreak havoc on Earth to avenge my Angel.
“How did they get to her?” My voice was hoarse, the words muffled as I spoke into my hands.
No one responded.
My head snapped up. “Where the hell were you, Enzo? Explain to me how this happened.”
Enzo opened his mouth, but no sound came out.
“Where. The. Fuck. Were. You?” I repeated.
Enzo stood, stoic, but I could see the weight of remorse consuming him like a raging fire, burning everything in its path.
“How the fuck did they get to her? Goddammit, Enzo, answer me!” I charged him. “My girl was almost...” I couldn’t even finish the sentence because the pain was taking over, and it was tearing me apart.
“Nico, breathe,” Matteo warned, but I was beyond reason.
“Answer me, you fucker!” I lunged for Enzo. Matteo intervened, holding me back. “Why wasn’t she protected? How did this happen? Huh?” I panted, my chest heaving.
Enzo’s fists clenched, and he looked at each of us, his eyes filled with self-loathing. “I know, boss. This is on me.”