“Wait, what?” Tabi snapped her head toward him, alarm written all over her face. “He doesn’t know you! And I never gave you permission to go near my son. And what about his sitter, Emily?”

“Emily was cool. Luca paid her and then some. Relax, Tabs,” Lo chuckled.

“It’s Tabi,” she retorted sharply.

Lo browsed his phone, clearly unbothered. He dialed a number, and soon, the familiar ringing of a FaceTime call filled the air.

“What’s up?” Luca said through the phone.

“Hey. You got Tristan?”

“Yeah. Why? Change of plans?”

“No. Can you put him on so he can speak to his mother? She looks like she’s about to cut off my dick.”

Tabi glared at him.

Luca burst into laughter. “Hey, little man, come say hi to your momma.”

Lo angled the phone toward Tabi, who instantly softened as Tristan’s cherubic face brightened the screen. “Hi, Mom!” he called out, waving enthusiastically.

“Hey, baby. Are you okay?”

“Yeah! Look what Luca got me.” He held up a Nintendo Switch.

“Wh-what?!” Tabi’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.

“That’s awesome, Tris!” I told him with a broad smile, and his own smile widened.

Tabi looked at me like I had two heads.

“Just go with it. He’s safe with him.”

Lo smiled at my admission. It was true. These guys were not cruel; they were just overprotective. And to be honest, it felt good to be cared for.

“Hey, Mom. Luca says he’s bringing me to Winter’s for movie night.”

Tabi’s expression melted, her defenses crumbling. “That’s right. I’ll see you soon. I love you, sweetie.”

“Love you too!” He began to say something to Luca when the call abruptly ended.

“See? Told you,” Lo said, beaming with mischief. “Now, get your pretty little asses in the car.”

“I can’t believe you invited them,” I hissed at Tabi while shoving the last of the cushions into place. “I don’t have enough room for everyone.”

Tabi’s head popped around the corner from the kitchen, a playful grin spreading across her face. She balanced a stack of plates in one hand and a couple of cups in the other. “Oh, come on, Winter. Chill out. It’s just a movie night,” she replied, her tone light and teasing.

I wanted to strangle my friend for how relaxed she was when just an hour ago, she was freaking out about Luca picking up her son.

I huffed, tossing the decorative pillow into place with a bit more force than necessary.

“Plus, Lo will be here,” Tabi added.

I grabbed the crumpled throw and folded it. “You like Lo?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She turned her gaze to me, her lips curling up into a dreamy grin. “Did you see him? He’s sexy. And his ass is so tight and firm.” She fanned herself dramatically, like she was in heat. “But it’s not just that. He seems really sweet.”

I couldn’t help but return her ridiculous smile. “You’re in love,” I teased.