“Hey, sexy,” a slurred voice oozed from the figure looming before me.


I instinctively took a step back, but he advanced toward me, a predatory glint in his eye. “Hey, where are you going? Don’t walk away from me,” he growled, his lips curled into a mocking smile.

“Get out of my way, Preston.” My voice was steady, but my pulse raced, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

He smirked, leaning closer, the stench of alcohol overwhelming. “Oh, come on. You owe me a chat.”

I clenched my hands into fists, fighting the urge to shove him. “I said move.” Each word was laced with irritation, my patience wearing thin.

“You’re one uptight bitch. You know, you could use a little fun,” he taunted, stepping closer. When I attempted to step around him, he pushed me back and caged me up against the wall.

My stomach contracted into a tight ball.

He tucked his face in the crook of my neck and sucked on my neck, hard, making me wince. I pushed him away.

Shit. Bad decision.

He grabbed me by the throat and squeezed. Tears fell from the corner of my eyes.

“You’re just a distraction, baby. A temporary fix for Nico,” he said, laughing mockingly.

“Screw you,” I managed to get out.

He sneered, squeezing my throat tighter. I covered his hands with mine, trying to push him away, but my strength was no match for his. He slowly released his hands, allowing me to breathe.

Preston gripped my hips and forced his tongue into my mouth. I raised my hand to slap him, but he grabbed my wrist and twisted it until I thought he would break it. He dragged me down the hall and pulled me into an alcove. Once we were out of sight, he slapped me across my right cheek and again across my left cheek. I rubbed my face, trying to soothe the sting, but he punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. He roughly grabbed me by both arms, violently shook me, and threw me against the wall. I slid down to the ground as pain surged through my body. I couldn’t hold back my tears if I tried. My head throbbed, and my heart leaped into my throat when Preston leaned down and grasped my chin to make me face him. His face flushed with rage, his nostrils flared, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

“You dare raise your hand to me? You better think twice before you pull that shit on me. I will fuck you into submission. I will fuck you over and over until you beg me to stop, and even then, I won’t. I don’t care if your pussy is as dry as the Sahara Dessert. I will ram my dick in you so hard you’ll be wishing you were dead,” he growled with a look of distaste in his eyes—a dark, wicked look I’d never seen from anyone.

“Nico will come after you,” I said with whatever determination I had left. I should have kept my mouth shut because he smashed my head against the wall for good measure. His evil laugh was the last thing I heard before his kick to my head knocked me out.

“Hurry up, man, before they find out she’s missing,” a man’s voice I didn’t recognize whispered as I started to come to. “Preston says we only have a short window of time before they find her.”

“Would you shut the fuck up already?” another man said.

I struggled to open my eyelids; I could barely move. It felt like I had a concrete boulder sitting on my chest and holding me down.

What was happening?

The last thing I remembered was leaving the office…wait, what? Why was someone tugging on my clothes?

“God damn, she looks fucking sexy in her pink lace panties.”

Cool air hit between my legs. It finally registered that my worst fear was coming to life. I kicked, but a set of strong hands held my legs down. I froze when my underwear was torn off. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. My legs were forced apart, and I closed them only to have them pulled apart again. I yelped in pain. Then two fingers pushed inside me.

No. No. This can’t be happening.

“She’s not wet enough.” My hips moved forward on their own when a tongue licked my clit, both fingers still inside me.

Suddenly, my strength returned.

I kicked.

I scratched.

I bit.