Standing in place, the corners of Sadie’s mouth lift slightly, and the faintest glimmer of a smile dances across her face. “Hi, Gabby. How are you feeling?”

Gabby lets out a tired chuckle and responds, “I'm exhausted, but seeing this little angel makes it all worth it.” Her eyes turned to the incubator where Abi, sleeping peacefully.

Sadie's eyes sparkle with emotion as she approaches the incubator at a steady pace. “She's perfect,” Sadie whispers in admiration. She slowly slides her hands into the opening and gently caresses Abi's smooth skin with her fingers.

“What’s her name?”

Sitting on the bed, Gabby shifts slightly, causing me to quickly adjust her pillows to make her more comfortable. “Abigail. Abi for short,” Gabby says, introducing the baby.

“It's a beautiful name, just like her mamma,” Sadie responds.

Sadie watches over Abigail like the protective aunt she is. Abi is fragile and delicate, her tiny chest rising and falling with the help of the machines that surround her. Sadie reaches out to tenderly stroke my daughter's hand, as if reminding her she isn’t alone.

“How are you doing, Sadie? How's Jo?” Gabby asks.

“I'm doing as good as I can be,” Sadie responds quietly, keeping her eyes on Abi. “And Jo is...well, he's working on getting better.” The room falls silent, and all that can be heard is the soft whirring of the machines keeping Abigail alive.

“I'll let you get some rest,” Sadie says, breaking the silence as she leans in to hug Gabby.

“As soon as we're released, come see us, okay? Don't be a stranger.”

“I will," Sadie responds, holding onto her for a moment longer before pulling away.

After kissing Gabby on her forehead, I say, “I'll be back,” and head out of the room with Donnie and Sadie in tow.

“Thanks for stopping by,” I tell them as we stand outside the room.

“Wait.” Sadie gently touches Donnie's chest. She then turns to me. “Have you seen Jo since he's been back?”

I shake my head and reply, “Not yet.”

She looks at me, waiting for an explanation.

“How is he?” I ask, afraid to hear the answer. What if he hates me for failing him?

Sadie shrugs. “You should come with us and see for yourself,” she suggests, her voice soft but sad.

“Are you heading over there now?” I ask.

"Yeah, that’s the plan.”

“Um, no, it’s not," Donnie firmly states, daring her to fight him on this.

“I am, but you don't have to go.” Her face tenses up, and she clenches her teeth.

Donnie and I exchange worried glances before Donnie speaks up. “Shorty, you need to rest. We'll go back to the hospital and visit him tomorrow, I promise, he says in a low voice.”

Sadie turns back to Donnie. “I don't want to wait until tomorrow,” she insists, her voice tinged with frustration. I feel a pang of empathy for her. I would do anything to ease the burden she carries.

“Baby, Jo even told you not to come back until you were well rested. I believe his exact words weredon’t bring your assback here,” Donnie says, giving her a pointed look. “He even threatened to kick me in the nuts if I showed up with you.”

Sadie's voice is firm as she utters each word with a deliberate pause between them. “I. Don't. Care.”

Donnie leans in closer, his expression gentle but firm. “I. Care. And not just about my balls, butyou. Pushing yourself until you’ve run ragged isn't making things any easier,” he urges, placing his hand on her belly. “Not for you or our baby. No exceptions. If I have to throw you over my shoulder and drag you out, I won't hesitate to do it.”

Sadie scoffs. "Donnie, you’re not going to be doing anything. Stop with the damn caveman bullshit.”

Donnie's gaze remains fixed on her. “Try me.”