Sadie's voice breaks through the sound of "Wolves" by Big Sean, featuring Post Malone, as the song fills the car. Shorty can’t contain her curiosity as she sits with the blindfold on, fidgeting in her seat. "Donnie, where are we going?"
Not only did I kidnap her, but I also blindfolded her.
The sun beats down on us as we cruise through town, and a gust of wind tousles Shorty's hair, making her look so freaking cute. Her hair whips around her face, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Shorty has always been a fan of the warm, hot air during the summer months, so she always makes sure to roll the windows down in the car.
"Don't worry, Shorty, we're almost there. Just keep your panties on." I chuckle, my gaze fixed on the road as I go through the roundabout.
"You sure about that?" Shorty muses.
I glance over at her, and my eyes wander to her bare legs and her short ass shorts that should be illegal.
“You’re thinking about my panties, aren’t you?”
I look at her smile that causes my heart rate to increase, and my dick hardens. I shift in my seat, trying to deflate my hard on.
“Donnie?” Shorty’s voice sounds sultrier.
“Yeah?” I clear my throat, one hand on the steering wheel and my right arm casually bent back on the armrest. I can’t look at her or I’ll end up pulling over and fucking her in the back seat of my car.
I’m lost in my thoughts of Shorty in different positions when she leans over, and her hands start working at my fly.
“Whoa!” I grab her wrist to stop her from pulling out my throbbing dick. “Are you crazy? I’m driving, Shorty.”
Shorty giggles and leans back into her seat.
“Seriously?” I narrow my eyes at the little vixen as I pull into our destination’s driveway. “You’re proud of yourself?”
“Yes,” she says, the mischievous grin on her face widening.
As I park the car, I shake my head and chuckle in amusement. Shorty reaches out to grab her blindfold, but I’m faster. I quickly catch her hands and pull them away from her face. “Nope. Not yet,” I tell her.
“Seriously? The car stopped, so I’m assuming we’re at whatever this is,” she says, gesturing with her hands in the air.
I open the car door and get out. Shorty taps her foot when I open her door. “Can’t you give me a hint, please? I’ll give you a blowie,” she singsongs.
“As much as I love your lips wrapped around my cock, you won’t need to do me any favors.” I lean in and gently cup her face with my hands. “Because I would do anything for you for free.” Then I kiss her full, luscious lips that taste like strawberries.
“Donnie,” she pouts and whines.
“Alright, you big baby,” I tease, helping her from the car and making sure she lands safely on the ground.
“Stay right here,” I instruct her, holding onto her shoulders before stepping around her and opening the car's back door. I grab the two small duffel bags, then close the door with a quiet thud.
Hoisting the bags over my shoulder, I wrap my arms around Shorty, pulling her close. I feel her warmth against my chest, and I can't help but smile.
"It's a special place for both of us," I say, leading the way toward the front door, hoping she won’t be able to guess where we are right away.
“Special to both of us?”
“Mmhmm,” I say as we reach the front door. “Okay, you can take off the blindfold now,” I tell her as we step into the entryway.
Shorty removes the blindfold and her smile radiates brightly as she takes in the sight before her. The scent of chlorine fills the air, the sound of splashing water and “Rude” by MAGIC! Blasts through the speakers above.
Memories from childhood flood back, reminding me of the Fourth of July when we rode our bikes to the YMCA and spent the day swimming. Even though Shorty couldn’t swim, she would dip in the shallow end of the pool, and the joy on her face was priceless. Whenever her father would be gone for days, we made a valiant effort to make the most of our time together. Seeing her so happy in the water made me feel like I had given her the world. Today feels like a second chance to reconnect with what had been lost and is now found.
As I turn my gaze toward her, I notice her eyes are brimming with tears that threaten to spill over. Her lips begin to quiver, and I instinctively move closer to her. Standing before her, I gently wipe away the tears with my thumb before they can cascade down her cheeks. In a soft voice, I ask her, “Are these happy tears?”
Sadie gives me a quick nod and grabs onto my shirt tightly, pulling me closer to her as she kisses me passionately. I groan when she slides her tongue into my mouth.