“You do know what I used to do for a living, right?” But I didn’t need to have trained at Quantico and been an FBI agent to detect her lie. “Don’t forget whatwedo now.” No rules or red tape when questioning people in this new line of work with her family at our security company.
She locked her arms in a defensive position across her breasts. “We shouldn’t be discussing this now. Tonight isn’t the time for this conversation, especially not here.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but, from my peripheral vision, realized we had incoming. The ambush happened quickly, catching both of us off guard. A woman neither Bella, nor I, would want to swap words with, stopped before us.
Dealing with businessmen and politicians and keeping my mouth shut was one thing. Talking to a reporter and behaving?Not happening.
Concern for Bella had me taking a protective step around her, hoping to block this vicious woman from bothering her.
“Do my eyes deceive me? IstheHudson Ashford stepping into the limelight and attending one of his father’s events? Beena year, at least, since you’ve shown your face at one of these parties.” Kit offered her hand, knowing damn well I wouldn’t shake it.
Ignoring the journalist, I checked my watch as Constantine popped into my ear. “She’s now inside with her three security detail, and they’re a match to the names on the guest list we already cleared. But if we have eyes on her . . .”
Then so do the bad guys.They would definitely have tapped into the surveillance cameras the same as Constantine.
I discreetly touched the device hidden in my ear, unmuting it so Constantine would be able to hear me as well.
“Hold position for now,” he directed.
The last thing I wanted to do was hold this position and talk to a reporter.
“Isabella Costa. Wow, I almost didn’t recognize you all dressed up like that.” Kit’s words knocked me back to the new problem at hand. “Feels like yesterday you found your sister murdered. What’s it been? Fourteen years now?”
Before I had a chance to determine the best way to handle this thorn in our sides, Bella sidestepped me, facing off with the reporter.
“Did you know I’d be here tonight?” Bella asked, a visible tremble moving through her. “Was it you earlier? Did you do that?”
“Do what?” I shot out in alarm.
“I don’t know what sick game you’re playing, but crawl back into the hole where you came from and leave my family alone.” Bella abruptly turned, lifted the skirt of her dress, and started to walk away.
I zeroed in on Kit, pulled in two directions, knowing damn well this one didn’t deserve more from me than a quick question. “What in the hell did you do?”
Kit shrugged, watching Bella as she cut farther away from us heading to the opposite side of the room.
I was about to lose the ability to remain a gentleman and keep my mouth closed, creating a situation that’d require “cleaning up” by my father’s campaign manager. To say Kit and I had gone head-to-head a time or two in the past was an understatement. Unable to stop myself despite the fact we were drawing attention, I ordered, “Leave her alone, or so help me.”
She casually reached for my scotch, clearly knowing it’d been mine. Exactly how long had she been watching us?
“Maybe you need a drink to calm down. Take the edge off so you can give me an exclusive on your relationship with Isabella Costa.” Her eyes narrowed on mine. “Tell me, is she sleeping with you to gain favors for her family with the governor? Were you sleeping with her sister back in the day, too?”
My head nearly exploded before Constantine’s words pounded into my ears. “Walk away before we both lose it.” He followed the order with another directive. “It’s time to move in on the target.”
I would’ve told off this woman if it weren’t for the voice of reason in my ear.
Without giving Kit another second of my time, I forged a path through the crowded room. Quick, determined strides carried me Bella’s way.
It was go time.
We had a life to save.
The sooner we got the hell out of the party, the better for all of us.
Chapter 3
“It’s time,”I told Bella even though I knew she had to have heard her brother’s order over comms. “You okay?”